Madagascar Wiki


Madagascar Wiki

Mountain Lemurs, also known as the babakoto or indri, are the largest living species of lemur. They are herbivores, eating mainly plants, leaves, and fruits. They are also known for their loud vocal communications, making sounds ranging from singing to roaring. They often vocalise together in roaring sequences. They are diurnal, monogamous tree dwellers, with long strong arms to help them move freely amongst the canopy. They are closely related to sifakas. Like most lemur species, they live in a strict matriarchy, usually consisting of a mated ‘alpha’ pair with their close relatives and offspring, (though this is not exactly the case in All Hail King Julien, as the leaders rule over a whole kingdom of mountain lemurs as well).

Usually, within a group, these dominant females lead the group during travel, and have access to the best food and most comfortable resting areas. Both genders often have black and white fur, (though Sage is a notable exception). In All Hail King Julien, the mountain lemurs live in one large kingdom (consisting of smaller groups such as the royal family), and are currently ruled by Sage and his wife Clover (who is not a mountain lemur).

Notable Mountain Lemurs[]


  • According to Maurice, most of the Lemurs in Madagascar believed that Mountain Lemurs were extinct, that was until they invaded the Kingdom of Madagascar after King Julien unwittingly rescued and attempted to befriend Koto, unaware that he's the ruler of the not-so-extinct tribe of Mountain Lemurs seeking conquest.