Don (ドン Don), is a mischievous Mercat from the Macross Δ television series and its theatrical adaptation, Macross Δ Movie: Passionate Walküre.
Appearance & Abilities[]
Don is a strange mix of fish and cat, with an unusual scar below his neck. Despite his girth, he is unusually fast, particularly under water. He can often be found wandering the markets of Island Jackpot and Ranka Beach of Ragna stealing food from the locals. He particularly likes taking fish from Chuck Mustang's "RaguNyanNyan" restaurant.
Don likes to hang out with groups of other Mercats, oftentimes with a grey Mercat by the name Hachi. Don acts as the head of the gang, and takes pleasure in outwitting angry Ragnans who give chase. He enjoys harassing Hayate Immelman, who happens to be allergic to Mercats.