Originally released in Japan on July 8, 2010, it features nine unique cards of Pikachu in nine different languages: English, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Japanese, German, French, Polish and Portuguese - the nine languages that the card game was printed in at the time. Each card has its own artwork to go with the nationality. For example, you can see the Grand Canyon in the background of the American Pikachu illustration. These cards were all holofoil and featured gold holo borders as well. The English box was released during the month of November 2010, after the release of the 2010 World Championships Decks. Each World Collection contained one of the four World Championship Decks as well as the same nine Pikachu cards featured in the Japanese set. The only difference between the Japanese and English releases are the back of the cards.
There are two variants of this Japanese 2010 Pikachu World set, the ‘Blue’ and ‘Green’. The blue variant was available in the Pokécenters and the green variant was exclusive to 7-Eleven stores in Japan only. The cards themselves are identical, except for the fifth, Japanese Pikachu, card which featured a green background if it was from the green collection. Due to the rarity of the 7-Eleven exclusive set, this Pikachu World set is very expensive as a sealed product today.