Black Hole Eclipse ブラックホールイクリプス
96 pt.
Reduces the opponent's Z-Move gauge by two thirds of its max value.
Subzero Slammer レイジングジオフリーズ
96 pt.
An opposing Pokémon within 2 steps becomes frozen.
Until the end of your next turn, if the Pokémon hit by this Attack spins a Purple Attack or Blue Attack, shift the result clockwise until a non-Purple, non-Blue Attack comes up.
Ice Punch* れいとうパンチ※
32 pt.
* If this Pokémon is knocked out, the battle opponent becomes frozen.
Ice Shard* こおりのつぶて※
32 pt.
* Opposing Pokémon within 2 steps of this Pokémon spin. If the result is anything other than a Blue Attack, the effects of Sphere plates used on those Pokémon are nullified.