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Parties |
No Pokémon on this page are be hacked (unless stated other wise).
My Main Lv.100 Party
Generation IV
Pokémon Diamond
Trainer | ID No. | Badges | Pokédex | Hall of Fame | Friend Code | ||||||||||||||
![]() Luke |
04521 |
491 Seen 491 Caught National Pokédex |
June. 09, 2007 19:16
3007 5662 2633 |
Diamond Main Team
Pokémon Champion Luke Pokémon Diamond Version - Snowpoint City | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Dialga - The Version mascot, as a trainer that loves Pokémon with a high Sp. Atk stat, I felt that the Diamond mascot was an excellent addition to my team. That, and it can learn a great variety of moves.
- Torterra - I try to train up my starter in almost every game I own, Diamond is no exception to that. I haven't had a Pokémon that I’ve been so attached to in my life! My Torterra has never left my party, and I found it odd that when my friend got his hands on my D.S. he tried to release my Torterra, but the game said “Torterra has come back!” or something like that.
- Darkrai – Seeing as this is the first legit Nintendo Event Pokémon I’ve ever got myself from a Nintendo Event I thought it would be a great addition to my team. So I got it from an event then begen training that night and I’ve only managed to train it up twenty one levels at the moment because I have also been training other Pokémon.
- Staraptor – The first Pokémon I ever caught in Diamond, I have only taken my Staraptor out of my party about four to five times and the reason was for trades. But besides that I have had this excellent Pokémon in my team the whole game and it has an excellent move set as well.
- Floatzel – Another one of the first Pokémon I ever caught. This Floatzel has one of the highest speed stats I have ever seen in my life, and like Staraptor my Floatzel has a great move set.
- Luxray – The second Pokémon I ever caught on Diamond. This electric type, also one of my personal favorite types, has an exceptional attack stat, it also has a move set to match its stats (like most of my Pokémon).
Generation III
Pokémon Emerald
Trainer | ID No. | Badges | Pokédex | Hall of Fame | ||||||||||||||
![]() LUKE |
23349 |
365 Seen 358 Caught National Pokédex |
Pokémon Emerald Main Party
Pokémon Champion LUKE Pokémon Emerald Version - Mossdeep City | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Charizard – Originally from my Leaf Green, which I started a new game on, this Charizard was an egg that ended up outgrowing its father. An egg Pokémon, raised from a little Lv 5 Charmander. Same as with Torterra above, this Pokémon has never left my party (Since I got it on Emerald). When it first came on to my Emerald version it was about level ninety and then I trained it from their.
- Blastoise – This Blastois (also from Leaf Green) was trained up as a starter to about level eighty or so before training it to level one hundred on Emerald.
- Mewtwo – Yet another that come over from my Leaf Green game. This Mewtwo came over at about level seventy nine, and from there I trained it to level on hundred.
- Zapdos – Yet AGAIN another that came from my Leaf Green this one came over at level fifty and my friend had a level one hundred Zapdos, and it was so cool (and strong). This meant I just had to get one, so I trained it from level fifty to one hundred on Emerald.
- Latios – This Pokémon was found when I decided to go looking for it, the first place I decided to look was the same place I encountered (not captured) it in Ruby, route 123. What do you know the first Pokémon to appear was Latios.
- Swampert - This Swampert was the only Pokémon I ever used during the story mode. Then I stopped using it in the post game, and later on began using it again. Sometimes it is just used as a filler, but not very often at all.
Leaf Green Main Party
Pokémon Champion Luke Pokémon LeafGreen Version - Pallet Town | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Wigglytuff – Mainly chosen for its overwhelming HP stat, and its wide range of moves.
- Sandslash – I grew an interest in Sandslash for some reason so I trained a sandshrew, I don’t like it much any more though.
- Nidoking – One of the best Pokémon going around if you ask me, wide range of moves, high stats, what more could you ask for
- Jolteon – Yet another Pokémon I decided to have in my party due to its great Special Attack stat, and also I like electric Pokémon.
- Articuno – A freshly caught Articuno, you can sort of tell by looking at its move set.
- Venusaur – Probably the worst starter in the whole Pokémon series, but it really depends on how you train it if you ask me, the only reason I started off with it was to get Entei (which I now have) I started a new game cause I was really desperate to get Entei mainly because it was the last Pokémon I needed to complete my national dex on Diamond.
Pokémon Ruby
Trainer | ID No. | Badges | Pokédex | Hall of Fame | ||||||||||||||
![]() Luke |
34216 |
182 Seen 108 Caught National Pokédex |
Pokémon Champion Luke Pokémon Ruby Version - Mossdeep City | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Blaziken - My starter, I rose from an Lv 5 Torchic.
- Sceptile – One of those starters, you know how you start a new game then trade it to a friend and then start a new game again and get it back. I did this with everyone in this party (except Flygon), so they got boosted experience.
- Mightyena – This Mightyena would probably be close to the best Pokémon in this party.
- Gardevoir – An excellent addition to this party, I don’t know what I would have done with it it.
- Walrein – Definitely the strongest Pokémon in my party, he’s a very handy battler.
- Flygon – This Flygon is the only Pokémon in my party that doesn’t get boosted experience, and the reason for this is; I originally began with an Aerodactyl which got boosted experience, but I decided (half way through the game) that I wanted something that was on the Hoen dex rather then the national, so I went and caught myself a Trapinch and trained it up.
Generation II
Pokémon Crystal
Trainer | ID No. | Badges | Pokédex | Hall of Fame | ||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() ASH |
208 Seen 177 Caught National Pokédex |
Pokémon Champion ASH Pokémon Gold Version - Blackthorn City | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Meganium – My beloved starter Pokémon. Crystal version was one of my Pokémon games where I pretty much only trained my starter Pokémon.
- Suicune – Caught at the Tin Tower in Crystal and only used for surfing.
- Dratini – One of the Pokémon that I dreamt of having fully evolved, on level one hundred, but that dream failed miserably as soon as I caught it, cause I couldn’t be stuffed training it, used as a filler for the rest of the game
- Houndoom – Used occasionally in battles (that’s why it’s a half decent level), but its pretty much a filler.
- Lugia – Traded over from my Gold version, its sort of a back up Pokémon, but mainly used for Fly.
- Hoothoot – Caught it used it once got bored of it. FILLER!!! Oh and was also used for Fly before I got Lugia
Pokémon Gold
Trainer | ID No. | Badges | Pokédex | Hall of Fame | ||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() ASH |
11237 |
229 Seen 121 Caught National Pokédex |
Pokémon Champion ASH Pokémon Gold Version - Goldenrod City | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Typhlosion – My Gold version starter, and also one of my favorite Pokémon.
- Squirtle – I was trying to trade something to my Gold version, and I accidentally cloned this Squirtle from Red version, all I lost on Gold was a Rattata, win, win situation anyway if you ask me.
- Mewtwo – My cousin cloned it and traded it to me, I just keep it in my party for if my other Pokémon faint, really just a filler I guess…
- Lapras – Another Pokémon cloned by my cousin and traded to me, this one I actually used to use though.
- Mew – Yet another clone from my cousin, which he got from a friend at school, which I am guessing performed the Mew glitch on his Red version and then traded it to his Gold and then began to clone it to trade to others, and most likely get all their good Pokémon.
- Gyarados – Caught at the Lake of Rage (as one would suspect), and used as a HM slave, and a filler.
Pokémon Silver
Trainer | ID No. | Badges | Pokédex | Hall of Fame | ||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() ASH |
15157 |
213 Seen 200 Caught National Pokédex |
Pokémon Champion ASH Pokémon Gold Version - Cherrygrove City | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Feraligatr – Another game where I concentrated on my starter more than the rest of my party.
- Celebi – Yet another Pokémon traded to me by my cousin, which he got legitimately from a Nintendo Event
- Ditto – Just a plain old Ditto that has only been used once and left in the day care for a while, a filler I guess.
- Gyarados – The good old Red Gyarados, this Pokémon was just my HM slave.
- Furret – A handy addition to my team, with an excellent range of moves and an alright level, this Furret was pretty handy.
- Drowzee – FILLER