The Time-Space Axis (Japanese: 時空儀 Time-Space Projector) is a device featured in the movie Arceus and the Jewel of Life, used to monitor disruptions in the time-space continuum. It is located in the basement of the Michina Ruins.

The Time-Space Axis

It can indicate the condition of every minute change in the time-space continuum, serving to mirror the movements of the timespace dimensions and thus monitoring the likelihood of potential cataclysm. It is currently under the supervision of Sheena and Kevin, who use it to investigate locations where time-space gets distorted and to predict the moment in which Arceus will wake up from its deep slumber.

After observing unusual movements in the Time-Space Axis, Sheena and Kevin traveled around the Sinnoh region to see the catastrophes resulting from time-space distortions. They were near the plateau of Alamos Town when Palkia returned it to the correct dimension at the end of The Rise of Darkrai. They also visited the glacier near Ten'i Village to see Zero's airship after it crashed during the climax of Giratina and the Sky Warrior.

During their tour of the Michina Ruins, Ash, Dawn, and Brock were taken to see the Time-Space Axis. Sheena explained to them that at the bottom of the device is the Pokémon world, which is supported by Giratina's Reverse World. Near the top of the Axis are the dimensions of Dialga and Palkia while Arceus's world is located at the center.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 時空儀 Sìhhūngyìh
Mandarin 時空儀 Shíkōngyí
German Raum-Zeit-Achse
Italian Asse Spaziotemporale
Korean 시공 Sigong
Polish Oś Czasoprzestrzeni
Brazilian Portuguese Eixo Tempo-espaço
Spanish Eje del tiempo-espacio
Swedish Tidrumaxeln

See also

Arceus and the Jewel of Life
Characters DamosKatoKevinKikoMarcusMarcus's soldiersMother and daughterSheenaTapp
Locations Michina TownUnown Dimension
Other PlateJewel of LifeTime travelTime-Space Axis
Soundtrack and score Soundtrack
Antenna of the Heart (single)
Adaptations MangaAni-Manga
TCG Pikachu M LV.XMichina TempleArceusArceus V
Movie Commemoration Special Pack 2009Movie Commemoration Random Pack
Platinum: ArceusPokémon M
2009 Pokémon Card Design Contest
Merchandise Pokémon Movie CompanionPokémon Kids figuresZukan DP12
Pokémon Cornflakes
Event distributions

Pikachu-colored Pichu (Shokotan, Mikena, GameStop, English Wi-Fi, French, German, Italian, Spanish) • Spiky-eared Pichu
Cinema Arceus (Japanese, Korean) • Michina Arceus (Australian, European, French, German, Italian, Spanish) • Toys "R" Us Arceus
Marcus's BronzongMichina Town Pichu
Battrio pucks (Spiky-eared Pichu, Arceus, Piplup, Pikachu)

Related animation Trilogy (The Rise of DarkraiGiratina and the Sky WarriorArceus and the Jewel of Life)
This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.