The subject of this article has no official English name.
The name currently in use is a fan romanization of the Japanese name.

(Japanese: サファリランド Safari Land) is an animated series-exclusive location in Kanto. Located between Fuchsia City and the Safari Zone, it is a Pokémon reserve where lots of Pokémon live in peace.

Safari Land
サファリランド Safari Land

Safari Land
Region Kanto
Debut The Flame Pokémon-athon!

Places of interest

The Laramie Big P Ranch and Laramie Village

Laramie Village

Located in Safari Land is the Laramie Big P Ranch, which is owned by the Laramie family. On the ranch, lots of Pokémon are bred and raised in their natural habitat. It is not allowed to catch Pokémon inside the Laramie Big P Ranch. According to Brock, Pokémon Breeders love Pokémon originating from the ranch, because they were raised in the wild and are a little bit stronger than other Pokémon. Located on the farm is Laramie Village, which would host a festival commemorating the Big P Pokémon Race, night before the event starts.

Ash and his friends arrived on the ranch in The Flame Pokémon-athon!. Thinking they had reached the Safari Zone, Ash attempted to catch a Tauros. He was stopped by a Growlithe that was revealed to be owned by Lara Laramie, part of the Laramie family and in charge of patrolling the farm. After making clear they had no intention to do any harm, Lara introduced herself to the group. She invited them to a party at Laramie Village held that night and also to watch the Big P Pokémon Race held the day after.

Pokémon Preservation Area

Closer to the Safari Zone are dense forests and open plains filled with many rare wild Pokémon, which are patrolled by Ranger Jenny in her jeep. In The Kangaskhan Kid, Ash and his friends helped Tommy to reunite with his parents after they lost him in Safari Land five years earlier. After defeating Team Rocket, Tommy's parents decided to live with Tommy's adopted family, a herd of Kangaskhan.

Pokémon seen in Safari Land

Laramie Ranch's Tauros (multiple)

Laramie Ranch's Rhyhorn (multiple)

Laramie Ranch's Sandslash (multiple)

Laramie Ranch's Nidorina (multiple)

Laramie Ranch's Nidorino (multiple)

Laramie Ranch's Raticate (multiple)

Laramie Ranch's Dodrio (multiple)

Lara's Rapidash

Lara's Growlithe

Dario's Dodrio

Mankey (multiple)




Bellsprout (×3)



Kangaskhan (multiple)

In other languages

Language Title
Italian Terra Safari
Polish Strefa Safari*

Animated series-exclusive locations in Kanto
A.J.'s GymAcapulcoBill's LighthouseCameran PalaceCamomile IslandCamp PokéhearstCeladon UniversityCerise Laboratory
Chrysanthemum IslandCommerce CityCremini TownCrimson CityDark CityDragonite IslandEevee Evolution LabEvolution Mountain
Fennel ValleyFighting Spirit GymFrodomar CityGaiva DamGardenia TownGrampa CanyonGringey CityHidden VillageHollywood
HopHopHop TownHouse of ImiteHutber PortIndigo AcademyIsland of the Giant PokémonKaz GymLeaf ForestMaiden's PeakMatcha City
Metallica IslandMirage MansionMossgreen VillageMt. HideawayMulberry CityNeon TownNew IslandO-Hina TownOld Shore WharfPokélantis
Pokémon LandPokémon Ninja SchoolPokémon TechPokémon Theme ParkPokémopolisPotpourri IslandRifure VillageRotaRoy's hometownSable City
Safari LandSayda IslandSayda LabScissor StreetSeafoam IslandSilver TownStone TownSunnytownTeam Rocket AcademyTeam Rocket HQ
Terracotta TownTree of BeginningUnnamed island (EP060)Vermilion City schoolVermilion ForestWisteria TownXanadu NurseryYas Gym
Animated series-exclusive location templates
KantoOrange IslandsJohtoHoennSinnohUnovaDecolore IslandsKalosAlolaGalarPaldeaKitakamiOther
This article is part of both Project Anime and Project Locations, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Anime and Locations, respectively.