This article is about the food that Pokémon consume. For Pokémon food products in the real world, see Pokémon food products.
For food in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series, see Food (Mystery Dungeon).

Pokémon food is a broad term used for almost any food a Pokémon eats. Despite the variety of both Pokémon and Pokémon food, nearly every Pokémon will eat any kind of Pokémon food. This may mean that the majority of Pokémon are omnivorous. Several species are even capable of consuming things not normally viewed as edible from a human perspective, such as minerals, electrical energy, or even abstract concepts such as dreams and emotions.

Brock holding a bowl of Pokémon food

In addition to the various foods that Pokémon can eat, some species have been said to eat other Pokémon, or be eaten by Pokémon and humans alike.

In the core series games


Introduced in the Generation I games and used in Safari Zones, this food will make a wild Pokémon less likely to run away but more difficult to catch. An unlimited supply of Bait is provided for use in the Safari Zone.


Main article: Drink

Introduced in the Generation I games, drinks can be bought from vending machines and can be used to heal Pokémon in much the same way that Potions can at a fraction of the price.


Main article: Berry
A basket of Berries in Pokémon the Series

Introduced in the Generation II games, Berries are a type of item which, unlike Potions or Vitamins, are portrayed as food rather than medicine. A Pokémon may hold this item and, if needed, eat it during a battle to heal itself or cause other effects. In Generation III onwards, these can be planted and harvested by the player. These Berries have names and designs based on real-world fruits and vegetables.


Main article: Pokéblock

Featured in the Hoenn-based Generation III games and their remakes, Pokéblocks are a type of candy which are blended from Berries and given to a Pokémon to raise its condition in several areas. The flavor, level, and feel of the Pokéblock is determined by the ingredients which compose it and how well it is blended.

A Pokémon can only eat a certain number of Pokéblocks before it is full and cannot eat any more. A Pokéblock with lower feel will fill up the Pokémon less than one with greater feel.

In Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, Pokéblocks can also be put on a feeder in the Safari Zone to lure wild Pokémon out. After being there for a while, however, the Pokéblock will eventually be eaten. It can also be used in encounters in the Safari Zone in the same manner as bait.


Main article: Poffin
Poffins in Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl

Featured in the Sinnoh-based games, Poffins are similar to Pokéblocks. A Poffin will raise the condition of a Pokémon in at least one of five categories: Smart, Cute, Tough, Beauty, and Cool. The flavor and smoothness of a Poffin is still taken into account just as in a Pokéblock. The main difference is that Poffins are pastries and Pokéblocks are candy. In Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, Dawn often bakes Poffins for her Pokémon.


Main article: Honey

Featured in Generation IV, Honey can be slathered onto a Honey Tree to attract wild Pokémon. It can be placed in a specific location and will disappear (presumably eaten) after some time, and a Pokémon may be found on that tree if checked soon enough. If used in tall grass, it has the same effect as the move Sweet Scent. In Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, Barry used this method to catch his Heracross.


Main article: Apriblender

Apricorns were introduced in Generation II, where their sole use was to create custom Poké Balls. In the remakes of the Generation II games, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, Apricorns can be blended into drinks called Aprijuice. These drinks will raise a Pokémon's Pokéathlon stats: Speed, Power, Skill, Stamina, and Jump.

Poké Puffs

Poké Puffs in Pokémon the Series: XY
Main article: Poké Puff

Featured in Generation VI, Poké Puffs are small cake-like confections that can be fed to Pokémon to increase their Affection. Poké Puffs are obtained by beating minigames or received from visiting Pokémon. They come in the following flavors: Citrus, Mocha, Spice, Mint, and Sweet. In Pokémon the Series: XY, Serena often bakes Poké Puffs for the group's Pokémon.

Poké Beans

Main article: Poké Bean

Featured in Generation VII, Poké Beans are similar to Poké Puffs in that they are used to increase a Pokémon's Affection. They can be collected on Isle Abeens and they are also obtained along with the first drink the player orders daily at Pokémon Center Cafés. They come in three different types: Plain, Patterned, and Rainbow.


Main article: Curry

Curry appears as a feature in Generation VIII. Curries can be cooked in a player's Pokémon Camp, and the meal is then shared between the player(s) and their Pokémon. Various types of curries can be made (with a total of 151 different types), differing depending on the Berries and other ingredients used. Generic curry has also appeared throughout the animated series and manga.


Main article: Sandwich

Sandwiches were featured in Generation IX. Sandwiches are made at Picnics and are eaten by the player and their current party. Sandwiches can be made using recipes given by NPCs or created freestyle by using whatever ingredients are on hand.

Drink Berry Pokéblock
Poffin Honey Poké Puff
Poké Bean Curry Sandwich

Local specialties

A few items that appear to be made for human consumption are supposed to be given to Pokémon to heal them. These items are normally found or sold in specific locations and are considered specialties of those places. These items include the Rage Candy Bar of the Lake of Rage, the Lava Cookie of Lavaridge Town, the Old Gateau of the Old Chateau, the Casteliacone of Castelia City, the Lumiose Galette of Lumiose City, the Shalour Sable of Shalour City, the Pewter Crunchies of Pewter City, the Alola region's Big Malasada, and the Jubilife Muffin of Jubilife Village.

Rage Candy Bar Lava Cookie Old Gateau
Casteliacone Lumiose Galette Shalour Sable
Pewter Crunchies Big Malasada Jubilife Muffin

In the side series games

Pokémon Stadium


In Pokémon Stadium, a mini-game called "Sushi-Go-Round" features several Lickitung competing in a race against the clock to eat the most pieces of sushi. Some pieces are too spicy for the Lickitung, causing them to momentarily spin around in anguish, stalling them for time.

Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness

Poké Snacks

Main article: Poké Snack

Poké Snacks are used in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness to lure wild Pokémon to Poké Spots. They look like slices of a yellow cake, with each slice being one-tenth of the cake. Up to ten can be placed at each Poké Spot.

The P★DA monitors the Poké Snacks at each Poké Spot, and will inform the player how many are at each Poké Spot and when a wild Pokémon is eating them. If the player doesn't return to the Poké Spot quickly, the wild Pokémon may have eaten all the Poké Snacks he had there.

Sometimes a Munchlax will appear at a Poké Spot. When this happens, its Trainer will arrive, apologize, and give ten new Poké Snacks for any the Munchlax may have eaten. Other times, a Bonsly will appear, running away unless the player approaches it slowly. If it runs away, it will be seen at a different Poké Spot.

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

Main article: Food (Mystery Dungeon)

There are a variety of different kinds of Pokémon food in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series, such as Apples, Gummis, Berries, and Seeds. The effect of Gummis vary depending on the type of the Pokémon and have an effect on the consumer's IQ, while Apples only fill up the belly. Berries cause many effects, such as restoring HP and removing status conditions. Seeds often cause special status ailments. All food have an effect on the belly and can be turned into drinks at Spinda's Café.

Pokémon Snap series

Apple-shaped Pokémon food

Meowth eating Pokémon food in the form of an apple

In Pokémon Snap, one of the few items provided is Pokémon food in the form of an apple. These are unlimited, and the player can throw them to the wild Pokémon. Many Pokémon will happily eat the food, and it can be used to lure them to a new spot since they may walk to where the food was thrown. A well-aimed throw may also hit the Pokémon, causing them to flinch, faint, or become upset.

Professor Oak will provide the player with Pokémon food once the player obtains a total score of 14,000 points in the Pokémon Report.


Main article: Fluffruit

In New Pokémon Snap, fluffruit replace the apple-like Pokémon food from the previous game. They are a type of fruit that can be found growing in the Lental region. While they resemble apples, they are softer and lighter, and will not hurt Pokémon hit by them, though it may surprise them.

Hey You, Pikachu!

In Hey You, Pikachu! there are many more different kinds of food than in other Pokémon games. There are foods such as cupcakes, acorns, mushrooms, corn (which turns into popcorn if shocked by Pikachu), carrots, onions, herbs, radishes, apples, and bananas. Other things are edible even though they are not typically eaten as food, such as flowers and other plants.

PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure

In PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure, Berries are often the common food source for Pokémon as well as their form of currency. A number of Pokémon can be befriended by offering them a large Berry. Iron ores are also considered a food source for the Aron in the game.

Pokémon Sleep

In Pokémon Sleep, the player raises Snorlax by feeding it Berries and cooking it dishes made with various ingredients gathered by helper Pokémon, including Large Leeks, Fancy Apples, Moomoo Milk, Honey, Slowpoke Tails, Tasty Mushrooms, Fancy Eggs, Soft Potatoes, Fiery Herbs, Bean Sausages, Pure Oil, Warming Ginger, Snoozy Tomatoes, Soothing Cacao, and Greengrass Soybeans. Dishes that can be made include various curries, stews, salads, desserts, and drinks.

Eevee × Tamagotchi

In Eevee × Tamagotchi, the player can feed a meal or a snack to their Eevee. It will eat if it is hungry, otherwise it will refuse to eat.

Pokémon Quest

Main article: Cooking (Quest)

In Pokémon Quest, the player attracts Pokémon to their base camp in order to befriend them by cooking food in one of their cooking pots. To do so, the player collects various ingredients. Some of these ingredients are conventional, such as mushrooms, Bluk Berries, and Honey. Others are items that ordinarily would be inedible, like Icy Rocks and Fossils. All of the dishes in this game are varieties of liquid food. This food is never seen actually being eaten, instead the pot resets to an empty state after all attracted Pokémon are befriended.


Food (Mystery Dungeon) Fluffruit Poké Snack Ingredients (Sleep) Dishes (Sleep)

In animation

Pikachu and his friends eating Pokémon food
A Slowking drinking milk from a coconut

Pokémon the Series

Generic Pokémon food has appeared in Pokémon the Series as early as Clefairy and the Moon Stone, where it took on the appearance of some sort of kibble. It is available for purchase in cans, as seen briefly in Tears For Fears!. Several Pokémon Trainers make their own, especially Pokémon Breeders like Brock. It is shown to be suitable for human consumption, but the flavor is not always agreeable with humans, as shown by the fact that Seymour was able to eat it without any problem, but Ash tried some and reacted badly. Pokémon food tastes great to Pokémon, however.

Brock often offers his homemade Pokémon food to try to gain a Pokémon's trust if it seems to be unfriendly or scared, such as a baby Stantler in Little Big Horn, and a Mudkip in A Mudkip Mission which he caught after befriending. Most Pokémon are extremely fond of the food he makes, with the exception of a Jigglypuff in Rough, Tough Jigglypuff which outright refused it (although it's possible it realized it was a trap and refused to take the bait).

Pokémon are also known to consume food that is meant for people, such as rice balls. In fact, some Pokémon, such as Madame Muchmoney's Snubbull, loved to eat these more than anything else. As shown by Lucario, Ash's Taillow and Lapras, and Meowth, Pokémon are also able to eat chocolate without any ill effects.

Some Pokémon also eat food which would not be eaten by humans, such as Aron and Lairon, who were shown eating the remains of the Megarig in the credits of Giratina and the Sky Warrior.

In the manga

Pokémon Newspaper Strip

In Strip 38, Ash asked if Pikachu wants to eat moist or dry "Poké Chow".

Pokémon predation

Main article: Pokémon predation

Some Pokémon consume other Pokémon and non-Pokémon animals, reflecting predator-prey relationships, while a few display parasitic behaviors. Several Pokémon also produce edible byproducts. Humans have also been known to hunt and eat Pokémon, although this is rare. Over time, references to Pokémon being eaten have decreased, likely due to moral concerns as Pokémon began to be depicted with more human-like traits, emotions, and personalities.

Pokémon droppings

Pidgey defecating in Pokémon Adventures

According to a few sources, Pokémon, like real-world animals, do leave their own droppings.

In the games

Pokédex entries

  • Many farmers cherish and nurture Diglett because its droppings enrich the soil it lives in.
  • The belly patterns of Poliwag's evolutionary line are their insides seen through the skin that get clearer after they eat, alluding to visible feces going through intestines, like what can be seen in real-life tadpoles.
  • Because Galarian Weezing consumes particles that contaminate the air, instead of leaving droppings, it expels clean air.
  • Darumaka's droppings are hot, so people used to put them in their clothes to keep themselves warm.
  • Turtonator's dung is known to be dangerously explosive, presumably due to its habit of eating sulfur, and is put to various use.
  • Even though Guzzlord is constantly devouring everything in its way, its lack of droppings is a mystery.

In animation

In the manga

Pokémon Pocket Monsters

Pokémon Adventures

In books

Pocket Monsters Encyclopedia

  • Charizard's capability to fly up 1,400 meters in altitude was theorized after finding droppings, thought to be theirs, mid-level on Mt. Fuji.
  • A very recent discovery of Aerodactyl's fossilized droppings lead scientists to theorize that this Pokémon was carnivorous and preyed on small creatures with its large claws.


Related articles

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.