PS473 : Battle at the Museum
Black & White arc
PS475 : The Mystery of the Missing Fossil
Defeating Stoutland
VS Mooland
VIZ Media mini-volume Adventure 14 in Vol. 5
Kurokawa mini-volume Chapter 14 in Vol. 2
Shogakukan full volume Chapter 474 in Vol. 45
VIZ Media full volume Adventure 14 in Vol. 3
Series Pokémon Adventures
Location Nacrene Gym

Defeating Stoutland (Japanese: VS ムーランド VS Stoutland), titled VS Stoutland in the Shogakukan Asia translation, is the 474th chapter of the Pokémon Adventures manga, and the 14th chapter of the Black & White arc.

It is subtitled Stoutland (Japanese: 起源 Origin) in the VIZ Media translation and Origin in the Shogakukan Asia translation.


Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Black's Gym battle against Lenora continues. With Patrat knocked down, Lenora is forced to bring Stoutland back into the fight. Stoutland chases after a weakened Brav, pushing Black to come up with a new plan. As he tries to piece together what Stoutland's fourth move will be, it suddenly strikes Brav with Last Resort, rendering it unable to continue battling.

Black sends out Musha and has it repeatedly use Hypnosis on Stoutland. The attack continues to miss, and Black presumes it is because the move has low accuracy. To his confusion, Lenora asks him if he truly believes that is the reason for the move's failure. She goes on to explain that her passion for fossils stems from their representation of the roots shared by all living things. She stresses the importance of history, saying that her Stoutland has been her partner since it was a Lillipup. This leads Black to look up Lillipup's entry using his Pokédex, on which he discovers its ability to detect changes in its surroundings with the long hair around its face. Right as Black realizes this is how Stoutland is able to dodge Musha's Hypnosis, his Pokémon is struck with Take Down. Musha takes great damage, but after Black sees that it remains determined to fight, he commands it to charge at its opponent with Zen Headbutt.

The two Pokémon clash at each other at the same time, resulting in what appears to be a double knockout. To Black's surprise, Lenora reveals that Stoutland fainted first, and awards him the Basic Badge. She then admits she knew the battle was over for her when Musha used Zen Headbutt, as Stoutland had taken plenty of recoil from its repeated use of Take Down. She commends him for figuring this out, then begins to walk him out of her office.

Black and Lenora return to the main floor of the museum, where White has been revealed to be waiting. Overwhelmed by excitement, she announces to Black that her proposal to the mayor of Nimbasa City was accepted, meaning the city will be putting on a Pokémon Musical. As White leaves to prepare for an early morning, Musha flies toward her in pursuit of her dreams, causing Black to frantically chase after it.

After Lenora watches them go, the phone at the front desk begins to ring. She picks up to hear Clay, who reports to Lenora that he had discovered an unknown stone at the Desert Resort. Explaining that the stone contains a powerful energy, he asks if Lenora can pick it up to examine it at her museum, to which she agrees. As Clay hangs up, it is revealed that the Shadow Triad is actively spying on him from a hidden camera. The three watch him from a screen inside of a parked van, stating they are now closer to the creation of their "ideal Unova," as well as the arrival of a Pokémon called Zekrom.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the Pokémon Adventures manga, please see the history page.
201 Spoilers end here. 201


  • Clay (magazine version)

Pokémon debuts





  • When this chapter was collected into volume 45, Clay's claim that he found the Dark Stone at Twist Mountain was changed to the Desert Resort, to reflect the additional scene added to the start of volume 44. This is left uncorrected in the VIZ Media release.


  • In the Japanese version of Volume 45, this chapter is mistakenly numbered as 473.

In other languages

PS473 : Battle at the Museum
Black & White arc
PS475 : The Mystery of the Missing Fossil
This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.