No Eggs Discovered (Egg Group)
Egg Groups | ||||||
Monster | Human-Like | |||||
Water 1 | Water 3 | |||||
Bug | Mineral | |||||
Flying | Amorphous | |||||
Field | Water 2 | |||||
Fairy | Ditto | |||||
Grass | Dragon | |||||
No Eggs Discovered | ||||||
Gender unknown |
The No Eggs Discovered Group (Japanese: タマゴ未発見グ���ープ Eggs Never Discovered Group), known as the No Eggs Egg Group in Pokémon Stadium 2, and as the Undiscovered Egg Group in Pokédex 3D, is one of the fifteen Egg Groups. As of Generation IX, 153 Pokémon belong to this group.
The No Eggs Discovered Group is characterized by its members' inability to breed. Most of the Pokémon in the group are baby Pokémon, Legendary Pokémon, Mythical Pokémon, Ultra Beasts, or Paradox Pokémon.
Baby Pokémon are designated for this group due to them being too immature to breed, while Legendary Pokémon, Mythical Pokémon, Ultra Beasts and Paradox Pokémon are included to prevent players from breeding more of them in a given game (with the exception of Phione). Aside from those, both Nidorina and Nidoqueen are in this group (while their respective male counterparts Nidorino and Nidoking, as well as their pre-Evolution Nidoran♀ and its male counterpart Nidoran♂, are not), as well as Unown, Gimmighoul, Gholdengo and the four chimeric Fossil Pokémon of Galar. Cosplay Pikachu, Pikachu in a cap, and Battle Bond Greninja are included here even though others of their species are capable of breeding.
In Pokémon X and Y, all Pokémon in this group are guaranteed to have a perfect 31 in at least three of their individual values when caught in the wild or obtained as a gift (except via Mystery Gift). From Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire onward, this only applies to Legendary Pokémon, Mythical Pokémon, and Ultra Beasts. However, as of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, if the player accepts a Gift Pokémon belonging to this Egg Group while their lead Pokémon has the Ability Synchronize, that Gift Pokémon is guaranteed to be of the same nature as the Synchronize Pokémon (unless the Pokémon was received as an Egg or through Mystery Gift). This property was extended to other Egg Groups in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
Only in this Egg Group
- This and the Ditto Group are the only ones in which all members are in a single group, since being a member of any other Egg Group would defeat the purpose of being in the No Eggs Discovered group.
- By the time breeding became a game mechanic, it had already been established by Japanese media that Nidorina have lost their ability to lay Eggs upon evolving from Nidoran♀.[1][2]
- The only Mythical Pokémon not in this Egg Group are Phione and Manaphy, which are in the Water 1 and Fairy groups.
- Despite not being in this Egg Group, Manaphy is still guaranteed three perfect IVs when obtained from an event.
- Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres are seen hatching from Eggs in Pokémon Snap, even though these Pokémon belong in this Egg Group.
- Despite Dialga, Palkia and Giratina being in this Egg Group, an event at Sinjoh Ruins shows them being created from an Egg.
In other languages
- ↑ Pocket Monsters Encyclopedia: 「ニドラン♀の進化形だが、ニドリーナになると、卵を産む能力はなくなる。」 ("It is the evolved form of Nidoran♀, but upon becoming Nidorina, has lost the ability to lay Eggs.")
- ↑ ポケットモンスター公式ファンブック Official Fan Book of Pocket Monsters: 「ニドラン♀の進化形だが、卵は産めない。」 ("It is the evolved form of Nidoran♀, but it cannot lay Eggs.")