Nicholai (Japanese: キヨ Kiyo) is a recurring character of Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire. He is a Pokémon Trainer in Hoenn who is obsessed with knickerbockers and cosplaying as Pokémon.

キヨ Kiyo

Gender Male
Eye color Black
Hair color Green
Hometown Unknown
Region Hoenn
Trainer class Trainer
Animated debut In the Knicker of Time!
English voice actor Andrew Rannells
Japanese voice actor Chie Satō


Nicholai first appeared in In the Knicker of Time!. Ash, May, Brock, and Max were traveling through the Petalburg Woods on the way to Rustboro City. They were surprised to see a gigantic Zigzagoon, but it was actually Nicholai in a costume. He was trying to lure the wild Zigzagoon closer so he could battle them. Ash and his friends scared the Zigzagoon away, and an irritated Nicholai introduced himself to the group. The boy then showed off his collection of Pokémon costumes. Nicholai explained that he believed that his costumes allowed him to know what a Pokémon felt like. In addition, the costumes helped him blend in with wild Pokémon. Nicholai wanted a Zigzagoon so he could challenge Norman at the Petalburg City Gym.

After learning that May was Norman's daughter, Nicholai excitedly challenged May to a Pokémon battle. Nicholai sent out his Mudkip and May used her only Pokémon, Torchic. Mudkip easily knocked out Torchic with a couple of Water Gun attacks. Nicholai then concluded that since May lost so horribly, Norman must be a pushover in battle too. Max, angry at Nicholai for insulting his father, followed him as he continued his endeavor to capture a Zigzagoon. Max stole Nicholai's Pokémon bait, but ended up being surrounded by a pack of the Normal-type Pokémon. Ash and the others rescued Max. Eventually, with the help of his Mudkip, Nicholai caught a Zigzagoon.

Team Rocket tried to steal Mudkip, but Nicholai used a Gligar costume to fly up and rescue the Mud Fish Pokémon. Pikachu then blasted Team Rocket off with an Electric-type attack. Nicholai used his new Zigzagoon in a battle against Ash's Taillow before parting for Petalburg City.

His second and final appearance was in ZigZag Zangoose!. When Ash and his friends were traveling to Fallarbor Town, they once again met Nicholai on Route 111. This time, he was dressed up as a Zangoose and he had one of his own. He informed the group that he had challenged Norman, but was defeated. May and Max's mother told him where they were headed, so he came to meet them. He battled Ash, using his newly evolved Marshtomp against Treecko. Treecko managed to win. Later, when the trio tried to steal Nicholai's Marshtomp, his Zangoose came to the rescue. Nicholai and his Zangoose battled with Seviper and defeated it with a powerful Crush Claw. After Team Rocket was blasted off, Nicholai and Ash had one last battle, though the winner was not revealed.


Nicholai tends to be overexcited, adventurous, and blunt, to a point where it irritates others. He considers himself a naturalist and has an in-depth knowledge of Pokémon behavior. He uses his Pokémon cosplays to interact with wild species and become closer with his own Pokémon during battle.

In battle, Nicholai's observation skills help him to overcome a difficult opponent. In ZigZag Zangoose!, he went on to defeat Jessie's Seviper after observing May's Skitty chase Ash in a Seviper costume. Nicholai uses evasion techniques to keep some distance between his Pokémon and his opponent's, before unleashing powerful attacks to deal the finishing blow.

Known cosplays


This listing is of Nicholai's Pokémon in Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire.

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Mudkip → Marshtomp
Nicholai's Mudkip
Nicholai's Marshtomp
Debut In the Knicker of Time!
Voice actors
Japanese Makoto Tsumura
English Lindsey Warner (as Mudkip)
Kayzie Rogers (as Marshtomp)

Nicholai's Marshtomp first appeared as a Mudkip in In the Knicker of Time!. When Nicholai found out that May is the Petalburg City Gym Leader Norman's daughter, he was eager to battle her. He sent out Mudkip whilst May called on her Torchic. Torchic was knocked out clean from one Water Gun. It was later used again to spray Berry trees with water to fend off wild Zigzagoon from Max.

Next, it was used to battle one of many Zigzagoon. Despite being hit by Tackle, Mudkip was able to battle on, eventually allowing Nicholai to catch the Zigzagoon. Suddenly, Team Rocket showed up and tried to steal Mudkip. However, with the help of an Aipom and Gligar costume, Zigzagoon's Dig, and Ash's Taillow and Pikachu, they were able to send Team Rocket blasting off and free Mudkip.

Mudkip was revealed to have evolved into a Marshtomp in ZigZag Zangoose. Nicholai used Marshtomp in a match against Ash, but it lost to Treecko's Pound.

Marshtomp's known moves are Water Gun, Mud Shot, and Iron Tail.

Nicholai's Zigzagoon
Debut In the Knicker of Time!
Voice actors
English Oliver Wyman

Nicholai's Zigzagoon first appeared as a wild Pokémon in In the Knicker of Time!. Nicholai was chasing a bunch of Zigzagoon in Petalburg Woods so he could catch one for himself. After seeing Nicholai using one of Zigzagoon's favorite food items, Max tried to lure them in but was confronted by a large hungry pack of them. Nicholai came to Max's rescue and directed the Zigzagoon to some nearby fruit trees. Then he asked to battle one of the Zigzagoon, and after a tight fight, Nicholai caught it. Later, Zigzagoon was used in a battle against Ash with his Taillow, but the outcome was left unknown.

It reappeared in ZigZag Zangoose, where it battled Ash and his Pikachu, but like before, the victor was never revealed.

Zigzagoon's known moves are Tackle, Sand Attack, and Dig.

Nicholai's Zangoose
Debut ZigZag Zangoose
Voice actors
Japanese Mitsuaki Madono

Nicholai's Zangoose first appeared in ZigZag Zangoose, where it appeared alongside its Trainer on Route 111. It battled Ash and his Treecko, but suddenly, Zangoose noticed Jessie's Seviper and started to battle it.

Ash, his friends, and even Team Rocket did not know what was going on, but they later learned that Zangoose and Seviper have a natural rivalry. As the pair fought each other, they were knocked into a river, and Seviper then used Poison Tail, knocking Zangoose unconscious. Ash's Corphish fended off Seviper with Bubble Beam and retrieved Zangoose. Brock later nursed Zangoose back to health with herbal medicine and left it to rest. Later, Seviper appeared again and engaged Zangoose in another battle, which ended when Zangoose knocked out the Fang Snake Pokémon with Crush Claw.

Zangoose's known moves are Swords Dance* and Crush Claw.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 佐藤智恵 Chie Satō
English Andrew Rannells
Finnish Joonas Suominen
German Johannes Wolko
Italian Luca Sandri
Norwegian Trond Teigen
Polish Mikołaj Klimek
Brazilian Portuguese Alex Wendel (AG005)
Yuri Chesman (AG048)
Spanish Latin America Irwin Daayán (AG005)
Moisés Iván Mora (AG048)
Spain Nacho Aldeguer


Nicholai and his Mudkip against May's Torchic
  • Nicholai is based on the Youngster Trainer class. In the Japanese version, he even calls himself たんパンこぞう Shorts Boy, Youngster's Japanese name, though he also has similarities to the Poké Maniac who dresses up as a Pokémon.
  • The two episodes that Nicholai appears in both end with him using his Zigzagoon in the midst of a battle against Ash.
  • Nando, who battled May's successor, Dawn for her first official battle, also went on to become a recurring character.
  • Nicholai's name may be a pun on "knickers."
    • Alternatively, it may be a tribute to Nicholas Knickerbocker, the wooden doll belonging to Anne Carol Moore. Anne Carol Moore is generally credited with opening libraries to children in the United States.
  • The blurb of Nicholai's second appearance spells his name as Nicolai.

In other languages

Language Name Origin
Russian Николай Nikolay From English name
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