Mega Kangaskhan (Duel 536)

Mega Kangaskhan
メガガルーラ Mega Garura
Evolution stage 2
Figure name Mega Kangaskhan
Move Points 2
Normal Unknown
Rarity UX
Invisible Shiny Bulbasaur
Version 7.0.0
ID 536
Time Booster League Great
Special Time Boosters None
Locked Booster Yes
Material Exchange
and Gem Exchange
5000 Material
300 Gems
For more information on the Pokémon this figure depicts, see Kangaskhan.

Mega Kangaskhan (Japanese: メガガルーラ Mega Garura) is a figure in Pokémon Duel. It was made available and added to Time Boosters in version 7.0.0.


Family Bond 血脈の絆
Before battle, any effects on the battle opponent that prevent it from being knocked out in battle are negated, and the battle opponent loses any markers with effects that prevent it from being knocked out in battle. This Pokémon cannot be knocked out if it's not affected by a special condition and its battle opponent is a Ghost-type Pokémon. Your Normal-type Pokémon deal +20 damage.

Data Disk

 Breakneck Blitz ウルトラダッシュアタック 96 pt.
Pokémon knocked out by this Attack's damage are temporarily excluded from the duel, returning to the bench 7 turns later.
Sucker Punch ふいうち 24 pt.
Miss ミス 4 pt.
Double Hit ダブルアタック 48 pt.
If this Pokémon has a special condition, this Attack's damage is cut in half.
Double-Edge すてみタックル 28 pt.
This Pokémon and the battle opponent are knocked out.



Sucker Punch, Double Hit, and Double-Edge are all moves in the games that Mega Kangaskhan can learn, the last one via breeding. Breakneck Blitz is a Z-Move in the games although Kangaskhan cannot use it after Mega Evolving.

This article is part of both Project Sidegames and Project TFG, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames and TFG, respectively.