Legendary Ronald Deck (TCG)

The Legendary Ronald Deck (Japanese: でんせつのランドデッキ) is a Theme Deck from Pokémon Trading Card Game for the Game Boy Color predominantly focusing on Colorless type Pokémon and the Legendary Cards. This deck is used by Ronald when encountered for the fifth as well as for the final time.


Quantity Card Type Rarity
Flareon Fire Uncommon
Moltres Fire
Vaporeon Water Uncommon
Articuno Water
Jolteon Lightning Uncommon
Zapdos Lightning
Kangaskhan Colorless Rare Holo
Eevee Colorless Common
Dratini Colorless Common
Dragonair Colorless Rare
Dragonite Colorless
Professor Oak T Uncommon
Bill T Common
Pokémon Trader T Rare
Pokémon Breeder T Rare
Energy Removal T Common
Scoop Up T Rare
Gambler T Common
20× Fire Energy Fire E Common
Double Colorless Energy Colorless E Common


  • Ronald uses seven GB-exclusive cards, the most out of anyone.
  • Zapdos can't attack because this deck does not have any Lightning Energy. It can only use its Pokémon Power, "Peal of Thunder".
  • Articuno can't attack either because this deck does not have any Water Energy. It can only use its Pokémon Power, "Quickfreeze".

In other languages

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Language Title
Japanese でんせつのランドデッキ

Required Master Medal
Start: Charmander & Friends DeckSquirtle & Friends DeckBulbasaur & Friends DeckPsychic Machamp DeckWater Beetle Deck
Grass Medal: Insect Collection DeckJungle DeckFlower Garden DeckKaleidoscope DeckFlower Power Deck
Science Medal: Lovely Nidoran DeckScience Corps DeckFlyin' Pokémon DeckPoison DeckWonders of Science Deck
Fire Medal: Replace 'Em All DeckChari-Saur DeckTraffic Light DeckFire Pokémon DeckFire Charge Deck
Water Medal: Blue Water DeckOn the Beach DeckParalyze! DeckEnergy Removal DeckRain Dancer Deck
Lightning Medal: Cute Pokémon DeckPokémon Flute DeckYellow Flash DeckElectric Shock DeckZapping Selfdestruct Deck
Psychic Medal: Psychic Power DeckDream Eater Haunter DeckScavenging Slowbro DeckStrange Power DeckStrange Psyshock Deck
Rock Medal: Squeaking Mouse DeckGreat Quake DeckBone Attack DeckExcavation DeckRock Crusher Deck
Fighting Medal: All Fighting Pokémon DeckBench Attack DeckBattle Contest DeckHeated Battle DeckFirst-Strike Deck
Grand Master: Legendary Moltres DeckLegendary Zapdos DeckLegendary Articuno DeckLegendary Dragonite DeckMysterious Pokémon Deck
Theme Decks not available in the Auto Deck Machine
Anger DeckBlistering Pokémon DeckBoom Boom Selfdestruct DeckEtc. DeckFlamethrower DeckGhost Deck
Hard Pokémon DeckLonely Friends DeckLove to Battle DeckMuscles for Brains DeckNaptime DeckPikachu Deck
Power Generator DeckPractice DeckReshuffle DeckSam's Practice DeckSound of the Waves DeckWaterfront Pokémon Deck
Imakuni? DeckLightning & Fire DeckWater & Fighting DeckGrass & Psychic Deck
I'm Ronald DeckPowerful Ronald DeckInvincible Ronald DeckLegendary Ronald Deck
This article is part of both Project TCG and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon TCG and Sidegames, respectively.