Kirikiri Mountain

Kirikiri Mountain
キリキリ山 Mt. Kirikiri
Kirikiri Mountain.png
Kirikiri Mountain
Region Hoenn
Debut Me, Myself and Time

Kirikiri Mountain (Japanese: キリキリ山 Mt. Kirikiri) is an animated series-exclusive location in Hoenn, found somewhere between Littleroot Town and Fortree City. It was featured in the Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire episode Me, Myself and Time. The mountain is well known for its thick fog, which often leaves travelers disoriented.

Places of Interest

Baltoy civilization ruins

The wall from the Baltoy civilization

The Baltoy civilization ruins are a hidden location found within Kirikiri Mountain, only accessible via tree hollow. Entering the cave, there are glyphs on the wall from an ancient Baltoy civilization, as well as an ancient structure that, through a Baltoy's Rapid Spin, allows a person and Pokémon to time travel.

After being separated from his friends, Ash encountered Calista, an amateur archaeologist who hoped to find the Baltoy civilization after receiving a peculiar phone call. Together, they met a mysterious woman who guided them to the ruins, revealing some of the civilization's secrets, including the time travel device. The mysterious woman later identified herself as an adult Calista before returning back to her own time.

In other languages

Language Title
Denmark Flag.png Danish Kirikiri Bjerg
Italy Flag.png Italian Montagna Kiri Kiri
Spain Flag.png Spanish Montaña Kirikiri

Animated series-exclusive locations in Hoenn
A-B-C IslandsAnthony's GymBaltoy civilization ruinsBanana Slakoth GardenBomba IslandCerosi TownCrossgate TownDonto Island
Foothill TownForbidden ForestForinaGiban IslandIzabe IslandIzabe LakeKirikiri MountainLake MayLaRousse CityMaisie IslandMirage Kingdom
Misty VillageMonsu IslandMountain LighthouseMuscle IslandNorth PetalburgOldale RuinsPokémon Battle Judge Training InstitutePurika City
Rinshin TownRiyado TownRubello TownS.S. St. FlowerShroomish ForestSouth CitySquare TopThe Green LodgeThe GreenhouseTogepi Paradise
Trapinch underground labyrinthValley of SteelVolley TownWailmer IslandWales IslandWazoo Island
Animated series-exclusive location templates
KantoOrange IslandsJohtoHoennSinnohUnovaDecolore IslandsKalosAlolaGalarPaldeaKitakamiOther
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