The Power of Us
English movie ending themes
No Matter What

Keep Evolving is the ending theme for the English dub of Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution. It is written, composed, arranged, and produced by Ed Goldfarb; performed by Haven Paschall and The Sad Truth, with additional vocals by Dani Marcus, Charity Goodin, and Ben Dixon, guitars by James Harman and Chet Lister, trumpet by Akhil Gopal, and synths and FX by Steve Mayer; and mixed by Jeff Stuart Saltzman.

Keep Evolving
Dub M22 ED
Artist Haven Paschall and The Sad Truth
Lyrics Ed Goldfarb
Composer Ed Goldfarb
Arrangement Ed Goldfarb
The Pokémon Company International single
Title Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution
Catalog no. N/A


So many ages I lived a life unknown
I led an army of one, with heart of stone
Determined to rule my time
Destined to be alone

Once I awakened I made a vow that day
(to love my sister and my brother)
I abdicated my throne and walked away
Swearing my heart to all
Hoping for everyone to heed the call

Stand still too long
You'll feel the world revolving
Embrace the changes
Now your fear's dissolving
We can survive if we just
Keep evolving
Sharing a dream
We aim for the sky

Stand still too long
You'll feel the world revolving
Embrace the changes
Now your fear's dissolving
We can survive if we just
Keep evolving
Sharing a dream
We aim for the sky

In other languages

OS: We're a Miracle / (Hey You) Free Up Your Mind / If Only Tears Could Bring You Back / Don't Say You Love Me
The Power of One / Polkamon / Flying Without Wings
GS: To Know the UnknownCele-B-R-A-T-E
You & Me & Pokémon / Pikachu (I Choose You) / The Time Has Come (Pikachu's Goodbye) / My Best Friends
AG: Make a WishThis Side of ParadiseWe Will Meet AgainTogether We Make a Promise
DP: I'll Always Remember You / Living in the ShadowThis is a Beautiful World
If We Only Learn / This is a Beautiful World / I'll Always Remember YouI Believe in You
BW: Follow Your Star (Truth Mix) / Follow Your Star (Ideals Mix)It's All Inside of YouWe're Coming Home
XY: Open My EyesEvery Side Of MeSoul-Heart
SM: I Choose You / FutureThe Power of UsKeep Evolving
JN: No Matter What
The Power of Us
English movie ending themes
No Matter What
This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician.