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Ice Island (Japanese: 氷の島 Ice Island) is an island in the central Orange Islands, featured in The Power of One.

Ice Island
氷の島 Ice Island
Region Orange Islands
Series debut The Power of One

Location of Ice Island in the Orange Islands
The Ice Island shrine

One of the three elemental islands off the south coast of Shamouti Island, Ice Island is the tallest of the three with a mountain stretching up far into the clouds. It is in the middle of the three islands. The northern end of the island is covered with an icy forest and large bay. The mountain contains numerous tunnels leading to the summit. It is constantly covered in snow, despite being in such a tropical area. This is due to the presence of Articuno, who keeps the temperature frigid. At the summit of the mountain, inside a crater, lies an altar holding the Ice Island Treasure.

Ice Island was the last of the three elemental islands that Ash visited to collect its resident Treasure. Team Rocket helped Ash reach the island shrine, evading the fighting legendary birds on the way and through Ice Island's mountainous terrain, in their inflatable boat.

After Ash placed all three of island treasures at the Shamouti Island shrine, peace was restored and Articuno returned to Ice Island.

Pokémon seen on Ice Island


In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 冰之島 Bīng-jī Dóu
Mandarin 冰之島 / 冰之岛 Bīng-zhī Dǎo
Finnish Jääsaari
French Île de Glace
Italian Isola del Ghiaccio
Polish Wyspa Lodu

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Unnamed islands
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The Power of One
Characters CarolLawrence IIIMarenMelodyTobias
Locations Shamouti IslandIce IslandLightning IslandFire Island
Other Shamouti Island prophecyLegend Festival
Soundtrack and score SoundtrackScoreMusic Collection
The Power of One (single)toi et moi (single)
Pikachu the Movie Song Best 1998-2008
Adaptations MangaNovelAni-Manga
TCG Ancient MewLawrence III
Articuno, Zapdos, and MoltresExplosive Birth Lugia
Hama-chan's Slowking • Pikachu (4, 27)
Southern Islands
Southern Islands Collection
Merchandise The Art of Pokémon the Movie 2000All Movies Perfect GuidePokémon Movie Companion
Pokémon Tales Movie Special 2: Pikachu's Unparalleled AdventurePokéROM
Topps Trading CardsCollector PinsBurker King toys
Pokémon House (Pokémon mate) • Hasbro electronic Lugia figurePoké-Packs fourth and fifth release
Video games Pokémon the Movie 2000 Adventure
Tie-in media Inuyama Inuko's Pokémon HourThe Power of One: The Pokémon 2000 Movie Special
Pokémon Gold & Silver Internet Browser
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Event distributions Movie legendary birds
Related animation EP105 (preceding TV episode)
Slowking's Day (bonus short)
Pikachu's Rescue Adventure (Pikachu short)
Professor Oak's Pokémon LecturePikachu the Movie Memorial
This article is part of both Project Anime and Project Locations, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Anime and Locations, respectively.