Herb redirects here. For the character whose Japanese name is Herb, see Wendy (Ranger).

Herbal medicine (Japanese: カンポー Kampo Medicine) is a type of item in the Pokémon games.

The name Kampo (漢方) refers to traditional Chinese medicine used in Japan.

In the core series games

Herbal medicine can be used during or outside of a battle to restore a Pokémon's HP, remove status conditions, or revive a Pokémon, all with a side effect of lowering a Pokémon's friendship due to their bitter taste and foul odor. They can be found on the ground, whether readily visible or hidden from sight and requiring an Itemfinder to locate; however, herbal medicine is usually bought from special Herb Shops. It should be noted that the Revival Herb’s friendship-unaffecting counterpart, the Max Revive cannot be bought in Poké Marts, while the other herbs are cheaper than their friendship-unaffecting counterparts.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus has a set of herbal medicine unique to the game, which can be obtained through crafting.

Types of herbal medicine

All medicine listed here lowers the friendship of the Pokémon it is used on by an amount proportional to its current value.

Name Cost Sell Price Effect
Herbal Medicine
Heal Powder Heal Powder $300 $75 Heals all status problems on a Pokémon, but lowers that Pokémon's friendship.
Energy Powder Energy Powder $500 $125 Restores a Pokémon by 60 HP, but lowers that Pokémon's friendship.
Energy Root Energy Root $1,200 $300 Restores a Pokémon by 120 HP, but lowers that Pokémon's friendship.
Revival Herb Revival Herb $2,800 $700 Revives a fainted Pokémon and restores it to full HP, but lowers that Pokémon's friendship.
Remedy Restores a Pokémon by 60 HP, but lowers that Pokémon's friendship.
Fine Remedy Restores a Pokémon by 100 HP, but lowers that Pokémon's friendship.
Superb Remedy Restores a Pokémon by 120 HP, but lowers that Pokémon's friendship.


Pokémon Global Link

Heal Powder Energy Powder Energy Root Revival Herb

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Heal Powder Energy Powder Energy Root Revival Herb

Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Remedy Fine Remedy Superb Remedy

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Heal Powder Energy Powder Energy Root Revival Herb

In animation

A bottle of Heal Powder in Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
An Energy Root pill in Pokémon the Series: XY

Pokémon the Series

Many herbs not found in the games, such as Salveyo weed and Remeyo weed, have been featured in Pokémon the Series. Characters like Brock and Iris specialize in using herbs to help sick Pokémon.

Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl

A bottle of Heal Powder appeared in The Brockster Is In! as one of the items gathered from the passengers of a cruise ship to help cure the poisoned Pokémon Normajean was taking care of.

Pokémon the Series: Black & White

A Revival Herb in Pokémon the Series: Black & White

Revival Herbs were first featured in White—Victini and Zekrom and Black—Victini and Reshiram. In Black—Victini and Reshiram, Luis was seen finding some with his Lillipup, while in White—Victini and Zekrom, he was seen giving Damon a small bottle of Revival Herb potion in a flashback.

Revival Herbs played a major role in Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 1 and Part 2. Clay offered to accept Ash's challenge for a Gym battle if he brought him some Revival Herbs. First, Ash and his friends searched for them from the Driftveil Market, but were able to find only a single, already preordered Herb, forcing them to go to Milos Island in order to get new ones. Unfortunately, when they arrived there, they found out that all the Herbs on the island had died out due to the lack of rain. Ash and his friends met a young man named Lewis, who told them about a legend of Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus. The first two had almost destroyed the island with their fight once, only to be stopped by Landorus, who had been healed from its battle injuries by a shrine maiden and her Gothorita with a Revival Herb. As a sign of gratitude, Landorus had turned the island into a fertile paradise, blooming with Revival Herbs.

After Ash and his friends saved the forces of nature from being caught by Team Rocket, effectively repeating the story of the legend in the process, the three Legendary Pokémon restored the island back to its fertile state, allowing Ash to get plenty of Revival Herbs for Clay. They were delivered to the Driftveil City Gym Leader at the beginning of Battling the King of the Mines!, where Clay kept his promise and agreed to have a Gym battle with Ash in exchange for bringing him the herbs.

In Mewtwo — Prologue to Awakening, Anna gave Oscar's Stoutland a small bottle of Revival Herb potion to be taken to Mewtwo. However, once Stoutland found Mewtwo, the Genetic Pokémon refused to take the medicine, saying it didn't want any help from people.

In Searching for a Wish!, Lotus was trying to grow Revival Herbs, despite the drought experienced in Capacia Island's mountains. After Jirachi restored the local water supply, the Revival Herb crops began to thrive.

Pokémon the Series: XY

In A Rush of Ninja Wisdom!, Sanpei offered a pill made out of Energy Root to Ash after his Froakie had lost to him in battle. The remedy proved instantly effective, though Froakie greatly disliked the bitter taste.

Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon

Multiple Revival Herbs appeared in Currying Favor and Flavor!, where Ash and Mallow collected them so they could be used as ingredients for the "Akala Curry". Later, they used a couple of the herbs to heal Totem Lurantis and its ally Castform after Ash's trial against it. Out of curiosity, Litten also took a taste of the herbs and, like Castform, found its bitter taste unpleasant.

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

Sword & Shield arc

In GRRR!! The Irrepairable Gears, Piers used a Revival Herb received from Nessa to revive his Malamar after it had been knocked out by Eternatus.

In the TCG

Mixed Herbs and Emergency Jelly are herbal medicine exclusive to the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

The following is a list of cards featuring herbal medicine in the card game. The English language release of the Revival Herb uses an alternate translation of its Japanese name, Life Herb.

Related cards
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Heal Powder T Neo Destiny Common 104/105 Darkness, and to Light... Common  
Life Herb I EX Hidden Legends Uncommon 90/101 Undone Seal Uncommon 073/083
      Metagross Constructed Starter Deck   014/019
EX FireRed & LeafGreen Uncommon 93/112 Venusaur/Charizard/Blastoise Random Constructed Starter Decks   047/052
      Deoxys Half Deck   012/019
      Rayquaza Half Deck   011/019
Platinum Uncommon 108/127 Giratina Half Deck   009/013
Unleashed Uncommon 79/95 Battle Starter Decks   008/010
Celestial Storm Uncommon 136/168 Champion Road U 056/066
Celestial Storm Rare Secret 180/168 Champion Road UR 084/066
Energy Root T [PT] EX Unseen Forces Uncommon 83/115 Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean Uncommon 101/106
Mixed Herbs I Lost Thunder Uncommon 184/214 Thunderclap Spark C 052/060
Emergency Jelly I Silver Tempest Uncommon 155/195 Incandescent Arcana U 062/068


  • The effect of lowering a Pokémon's friendship due to its bitter flavor applies even to those with a Calm, Gentle, Sassy, or Careful Nature, which are supposed to prefer bitter flavor.
  • A man in Lavaridge Town states that Charcoal is used for making herbal medicine. In game, however, it serves no medicinal purposes.

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This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.