Gyarados (Japanese: ギャラドス Gyarados) is a figure in Pokémon Duel. It was made available and added to Time Boosters in version 7.0.11.
This Pokémon may MP move through other Pokémon on the field. Pokémon that are knocked out by the Attacks of this Pokémon are temporarily excluded from the duel and can move to their P.C. after 5 turns.
Data Disk
Hydro Vortex スーパーアクアトルネード
96 pt.
The battle opponent and opposing Pokémon within 2 steps of it become confused.
Supersonic Skystrike ファイナルダイブクラッシュ
96 pt.
Any Pokémon adjacent to the battle opponent other than this Pokémon spin. Those that spin White Attacks move to the bench. This Pokémon gains Wait 3.
Waterfall* たきのぼり※
36 pt.
*If the battle opponent is a Water-type Pokémon, this Pokémon takes no damage and moves to a spot beyond the battle opponent.
Dragon Dance りゅうのまい
20 pt.
Spin again until an Attack other than Dragon Dance is spun. Damage Attacks deal +50 damage.
Moves the battle opponent to the bench. The battle opponent and all opposing Flying-type Pokémon on the field gain Wait 3.
Release information