Green Bell Pepper (Japanese: ピーマンスライス Bell Pepper Slice) is a type of ingredient introduced in Generation IX.

Green Bell Pepper
Bell Pepper Slice
Green Bell Pepper
Ingredient sprite from the Generation IX games
Introduced in Generation IX
Generation IX Picnic Items

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price
SV $230 $57


It can be used as an ingredient in making a sandwich.


Games Description
SV An ingredient with some bitterness. When sliced, it adds a nice accent to a sandwich.


Games Finite methods Repeatable methods
SV Deli Cioso, Aquiesta Supermarket (after earning 3 Gym Badges)
SVTM Peachy's (after earning 3 Badges)


Games Event Language/Region Distribution period
SV Poké Times Sandwich Ingredients All December 12-17 to 18, 2022

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 青椒片 Chēngjīu Pin
Mandarin 青椒片 Qīngjiāo Piàn
French Poivron Vert
German Grüne Paprika
Italian Peperone verde
Korean 피망슬라이스 Bell Pepper Slice
Spanish Pimiento Verde

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