Genesect (Japanese: ゲノセクト Genesect) is a figure in Pokémon Duel. It was made available in version 2.0.2. Shiny Genesect was made available in version 6.0.9.
Version 6.0.7
May MP move over your Pokémon on the field. If any of your Drive plates have been used, then, when this Pokémon is knocked out, one of them becomes usable (other than a plate still in use on that turn).
Version 2.0.2-6.0.6
This Pokémon can MP Move over your other Pokémon on the field.
Data Disk
Version 7.0.0
Corkscrew Crash ちょうぜつらせんれんげき
96 pt.
If the battle opponent is knocked out, then after the battle, this Pokémon moves to a point 2 steps away.
Savage Spin-Out ぜったいほしょくかいてんざん
96 pt.
Attaches an MP −2 marker to opposing Pokémon within 2 steps.
Techno Blast テクノバスター
40 pt.
Techno Charge テクノチャージ
28 pt.
This Pokémon gains Wait. This Pokémon deals +50 damage until the end of the next turn in which it spins Techno Blast.
Version 6.0.7-6.2.11
Techno Blast テクノバスター
40 pt.
Techno Charge テクノチャージ
28 pt.
This Pokémon gains Wait. This Pokémon deals +50 damage until the end of the next turn in which it spins Techno Blast.
Version 3.0.12-6.0.6
Techno Blast テクノバスター
40 pt.
Techno Charge テクノチャージ
24 pt.
This Pokémon gains Wait. This Pokémon deals +50 damage until the end of the next turn in which it spins Techno Blast.
Version 2.0.2-3.0.11
Techno Blast テクノバスター
40 pt.
Techno Charge テクノチャージ
24 pt.
This Pokémon must Wait. In exchange, it receives a damage boost of +50 until the end of its next battle.
Release information