File:SetSymbolUltra Prism.png
SetSymbolUltra_Prism.png (500 × 500 pixels, file size: 27 KB, MIME type: image/png)
This file is from the Bulbagarden Archives. The description from its description page there is shown below. |
File history
Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.
Date/Time | Thumbnail | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 05:56, 23 January 2024 | ![]() | 500 × 500 (27 KB) | ReignBough | hi-res version |
23:33, 19 December 2017 | ![]() | 40 × 40 (5 KB) | Ht14 | ==Summary== Set symbol for {{TCG|Ultra Prism}} ==Licensing:== {{i-Fairuse-tcg-noncard}} Category:TCG set symbols |
File usage
More than 100 pages use this file. The following list shows the first 100 pages that use this file only. A full list is available.
- Abomasnow (TCG)
- Araquanid (TCG)
- Bastiodon (TCG)
- Bronzong (TCG)
- Bronzor (TCG)
- Buizel (TCG)
- Buneary (TCG)
- Carnivine (TCG)
- Cherrim (TCG)
- Cherubi (TCG)
- Chimchar (TCG)
- Cosmoem (TCG)
- Cosmog (TCG)
- Cranidos (TCG)
- Cresselia (TCG)
- Croagunk (TCG)
- Cynthia's Garchomp
- Darkrai (TCG)
- Dewpider (TCG)
- Dialga (TCG)
- Diglett (TCG)
- Drapion (TCG)
- Drifblim (TCG)
- Drifloon (TCG)
- Dugtrio (TCG)
- Eevee (TCG)
- Electabuzz (TCG)
- Electivire (TCG)
- Empoleon (TCG)
- Exeggcute (TCG)
- Exeggutor (TCG)
- Expanded format (TCG)
- Floatzel (TCG)
- Gabite (TCG)
- Garchomp (TCG)
- Gible (TCG)
- Giratina (TCG)
- Glaceon (TCG)
- Glameow (TCG)
- Grotle (TCG)
- Gumshoos (TCG)
- Heatran (TCG)
- Hippopotas (TCG)
- Hippowdon (TCG)
- Honchkrow (TCG)
- Infernape (TCG)
- Jumbo cards (TCG)
- Leafeon (TCG)
- Lickilicky (TCG)
- Lickitung (TCG)
- List of Pokémon Trading Card Game Online decks
- Lopunny (TCG)
- Lucario (TCG)
- Lunala (TCG)
- Luxio (TCG)
- Luxray (TCG)
- Magearna (TCG)
- Magmar (TCG)
- Magmortar (TCG)
- Magnemite (TCG)
- Magneton (TCG)
- Magnezone (TCG)
- Manaphy (TCG)
- Monferno (TCG)
- Morelull (TCG)
- Murkrow (TCG)
- Oranguru (TCG)
- Pachirisu (TCG)
- Palkia (TCG)
- Passimian (TCG)
- Piplup (TCG)
- Pokémon Trading Card Game
- Prinplup (TCG)
- Purugly (TCG)
- Rampardos (TCG)
- Riolu (TCG)
- Roselia (TCG)
- Roserade (TCG)
- Rotation (TCG)
- Rotom (TCG)
- Sandshrew (TCG)
- Sandslash (TCG)
- Shaymin (TCG)
- Shieldon (TCG)
- Shiinotic (TCG)
- Shinx (TCG)
- Skorupi (TCG)
- Skuntank (TCG)
- Sneasel (TCG)
- Snover (TCG)
- Solgaleo (TCG)
- Spiritomb (TCG)
- Stunky (TCG)
- Theme Deck (TCG)
- Torterra (TCG)
- Toxicroak (TCG)
- Turtwig (TCG)
- Vulpix (TCG)
- Weavile (TCG)
- Yanma (TCG)
View more links to this file.
Global file usage
The following other wikis use this file:
- Usage on bulbapedia
- Gible_(TCG)
- Rampardos_(TCG)
- Bastiodon_(TCG)
- Palkia_(TCG)
- Electivire_(TCG)
- Magmortar_(TCG)
- Lucario_(TCG)
- Darkrai_(TCG)
- Manaphy_(TCG)
- Cresselia_(TCG)
- Glaceon_(TCG)
- Leafeon_(TCG)
- Lickilicky_(TCG)
- Weavile_(TCG)
- Abomasnow_(TCG)
- Carnivine_(TCG)
- Toxicroak_(TCG)
- Croagunk_(TCG)
- Drapion_(TCG)
- Skorupi_(TCG)
- Hippowdon_(TCG)
- Hippopotas_(TCG)
- Garchomp_(TCG)
- Torterra_(TCG)
- Infernape_(TCG)
- Bronzong_(TCG)
- Bronzor_(TCG)
- Skuntank_(TCG)
- Stunky_(TCG)
- Purugly_(TCG)
- Glameow_(TCG)
- Honchkrow_(TCG)
- Lopunny_(TCG)
- Buneary_(TCG)
- Drifloon_(TCG)
- Cherrim_(TCG)
- Buizel_(TCG)
- Pachirisu_(TCG)
- Shieldon_(TCG)
- Roserade_(TCG)
- Luxray_(TCG)
- Luxio_(TCG)
- Shinx_(TCG)
- Chimchar_(TCG)
- Turtwig_(TCG)
- Monferno_(TCG)
- Eevee_(TCG)
- Sandslash_(TCG)
- Heatran_(TCG)
- Giratina_(TCG)
View more global usage of this file.