Electivire (Duel 171)

エレキブル Elekible
Evolution stage 3
Figure name Electivire
Move Points 2
Electric Unknown
Rarity EX
Invisible Shiny Bulbasaur
Version 1.2.2
ID 171
Time Booster League N/A
Special Time Boosters Holiday Time Booster
Locked Booster No
Material Exchange
and Gem Exchange
6000 Material
300 Gems
For more information on the Pokémon this figure depicts, see Electivire.

Electivire (Japanese: エレキブル Elekible) is a figure in Pokémon Duel. It was made available in version 1.2.2.


Grounding アース
This Pokémon cannot be paralyzed.

Data Disk

Version 7.0.12

 Gigavolt Havoc スパーキングギガボルト 96 pt.
The battle opponent and a succession of Pokémon adjacent to the battle opponent (other than this Pokémon) become paralyzed.
Miss ミス 8 pt.
Electric Blast エレキブラスト 32 pt.
The battle opponent and all Pokémon connected to it becomes paralyzed.
Miss ミス 8 pt.
Thunder Punch* かみなりパンチ※ 48 pt.
* If this Pokémon is knocked out, the battle opponent becomes paralyzed.

Version 7.0.0-7.0.11

 Gigavolt Havoc スパーキングギガボルト 96 pt.
The battle opponent and a succession of Pokémon adjacent to the battle opponent (other than this Pokémon) become paralyzed.
Miss ミス 8 pt.
Electric Blast エレキブラスト 32 pt.
The battle opponent and all Pokémon connected to it becomes paralyzed.
Miss ミス 8 pt.
Thunder Punch* かみなりパンチ※ 48 pt.
* If this Pokémon is knocked out, the battle opponent becomes paralyzed.

Version 1.2.2-6.2.11

Miss ミス 8 pt.
Electric Blast エレキブラスト 32 pt.
The battle opponent and all Pokémon connected to it becomes paralyzed.
Miss ミス 8 pt.
Thunder Punch* かみなりパンチ※ 48 pt.
* If this Pokémon is knocked out, the battle opponent becomes paralyzed.

Release information

This figure was available as an Achievement Reward during the Roger Carnival - Limited Duel - held from September 13 to 26, 2016. It was also available as an Achievement Reward during the December 6 to 20, 2016 Queen's Cup. It was also available for purchase in the Electivire & Magmortar Set from January 1 to 5, 2017. It was also available as a Duel Wins Reward and in Gym Boosters during the Round 1 Electric Gym Cup held from June 29 to July 6, 2017 and the Round 6 Water Gym Cup held from July 11 to 15, 2019.


  • Prior to version 7.0.14, this figure was unable to be purchased in the Material Exchange.


Thunder Punch is a move in the Pokémon games that Electivire can learn. Gigavolt Havoc is a Z-Move in the games that Electivire can use by equipping Electrium Z.

This article is part of both Project TFG and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon TFG and Sidegames, respectively.