Bulbapedia:Featured content
This page details one of Bulbapedia's past initiatives.
The initiative has ended and the information here is likely to be out of date. This page has been kept as a historical record.
Featured content is a box on the Main Page that shows a variety of Bulbapedia content. The initial plan is for it to change every day with exciting and relevant information.
This box takes pride of place on the Main Page and will be filled with one of the following:
- Featured article (the best of Bulbapedia)
- On this day (a look back through our shared history - anniversaries, birthdays, countdowns, etc)
- In the news (focusing on relevant topics, such as new game or media releases, events, etc)
- Did you know (random interesting trivia)
- Display content, including but not limited to (note this may tie in with one of the above):
- Pokémon of the day (a short focus on one of the 1025 species of Pokémon)
- This could potentially be run as a "Who's That Pokémon?" line, except without the silhouette (because that would make it way too easy).
- Move of the day (a short focus on one of the 559 in-game moves)
- Item of the day (a short focus on one of the many items in the Pokémon world)
- Character of the day (an introduction to a character)
- Episode of the day (a short focus on one of the over 600 (and counting) anime episodes)
- Meet the cast and crew (a short focus on someone involved in making Pokémon)
- Location, location, location (a short focus on a location in the Pokémon world)
- Featured image (if we find a pretty picture on the Archives we want to share with you all)
- Day of the week (a description of all the cool things you do in the games on that day of the week)
- Promotion of one of the more "neglected" areas of the franchise to get people reading something they might normally not
- This could be a concept, a mechanic, a phrase, something meta, franchise areas like Battrio, TCG, TFG, manga - essentially DYK focused on one subject
- Pokémon of the day (a short focus on one of the 1025 species of Pokémon)
- Shameless self-promo from Bulbagarden
- Something else the editorial staff wish to feature
As you can see, there's a lot of different ways to show off our 19,000+ articles. And of course because this stuff will be on the first page that new readers come across, it will give them a springboard to dive off as they begin to browse the wiki.
- Directory
- Previously featured content
- Archive: sorted chronologically by month
- Got questions?
Talk to Jo. She's in charge of this mess (but reserves the right to delegate).