Beheeyem (Japanese: オーベム Ohbem) is a figure in Pokémon Duel. It was made available in version 6.2.5.
Version 7.0.2
When this Pokémon is knocked out, you may move one of your Pokémon that has Special Delivery and has been excluded from the duel to the bench. This Pokémon is excluded from the duel (without moving to the P.C.).
Version 6.2.5-7.0.1
When this Pokémon is knocked out, you may move one of your Pokémon that has been excluded from the duel to the bench. This Pokémon is excluded from the duel (without moving to the P.C.).
Data Disk
Version 7.0.0
Shattered Psyche マキシマムサイブレイカー
96 pt.
If this Pokémon is on the field, this Pokémon moves to a point 3 steps away after battle.
If the battle opponent's MP is the same or higher than this Pokémon's MP, the battle opponent moves to your P.C. If it does, this Pokémon moves to the bench.
Synchronoise* シンクロノイズ※
40 pt.
*Opposing Psychic-type Pokémon on the field spin. Those that spin White Attacks gain Wait 5.
Teleport テレポート
24 pt.
This Pokémon moves 2 steps away.
Version 6.2.5-6.2.11
If the battle opponent's MP is the same or higher than this Pokémon's MP, the battle opponent moves to your P.C. If it does, this Pokémon moves to the bench.
Synchronoise* シンクロノイズ※
40 pt.
*Opposing Psychic-type Pokémon on the field spin. Those that spin White Attacks gain Wait 5.
Teleport テレポート
24 pt.
This Pokémon moves 2 steps away.