Base stats

(Redirected from Base stat)
This article is about the fixed stat element of a species of Pokémon. For the variable stat element of an individual Pokémon that was officially called "base stats", see Effort values.
It has been suggested that this article be moved to Species strengths.
Please discuss whether or not to move it on its talk page.

Species strengths, commonly referred to by fans as base stats (Japanese: 種族値 species values), are the inherent values of a species or form of a species that are used to the stats of a Pokémon. While the remainder of this article refers to these stats as base stats, this should not be confused with the official use of base stats, which are what fans refer to as effort values (EVs).

In the core series

A species' base stats range from values of 1 to 255, and are often the prime representation of the potential a Pokémon species has in battle. As an example, the base stats for Umbreon make them mainly defensive Pokémon, meaning that Umbreon will generally have relatively low Attack and Special Attack scores in comparison to their Defense and Special Defense scores. When considering an individual Umbreon, however, these differences may be mitigated or emphasized by other factors such as its Nature, individual values, and effort values.


Pokémon of a higher evolutionary stage will usually have higher base stats (both individually and in total) than their unevolved counterparts. The only exceptions to this pattern are Scizor and Kleavor, whose base stat totals are the same as Scyther's. Evolved Pokémon also often have similar distributions to their base stats as their unevolved relatives, such as Abra, Kadabra, and Alakazam, who gain 15 points in each base stat upon evolving (except for Alakazam's Special Defense from Generation VI onward, which gains 25 points).

Species from different branches of Pokémon with a split evolutionary line will often have similar base stats to each other, but in different distributions. For example, while Gardevoir's base stats for Attack and Special Attack are 65 and 125, respectively, its counterpart Gallade's Attack and Special Attack stats are reversed (125 and 65, respectively). Pokémon species that are exclusive to specific games but not explicitly related by evolution (such as Caterpie and Weedle) may also have base stats that are similar overall but have different distributions. Many alternate forms, particularly regional forms, likewise differ in distribution but not base stat total.

Mega Evolution and Primal Reversion result in a Pokémon's base stat total increasing by 100, except Mega Alakazam in Generation VI which has a base stat total increase of 90.

Pokémon with very high base stat totals are often banned from battle facilities, since they are considered too powerful.


Between generations

Before Generation VI, these values did not generally change from one game generation to the next, with one exception. In Generation II, the Special stat from the Generation I games was separated into two stats: Special Attack and Special Defense, and most Pokémon have different Special Attack and Special Defense stats, which do not match the combined Special stat of the previous generation.

If a Pokémon with a base stat change is transferred between generations (e.g. transferring a Noctowl from a Generation VI game to a Generation VII game), the affected stats are recalculated, upon entering the new game, to reflect the new base stat. For example, a Level 100 Noctowl with a neutral Special Attack stat (0 IV, 0 EV, and a neutral Nature) will gain 20 points in Special Attack (from 157 to 177) when transferred from Generation VI to Generation VII.

Generation VI
# Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Speed Total
0012 Butterfree Butterfree Bug Flying 60 45 50 80 → 90 80 70 385 → 395
0015 Beedrill Beedrill Bug Poison 65 80 → 90 40 45 80 75 385 → 395
0018 Pidgeot Pidgeot Normal Flying 83 80 75 70 70 91 → 101 469 → 479
0025 Pikachu Pikachu Electric 35 55 30 → 40 50 40 → 50 90 300 → 320
0026 Raichu Raichu Electric 60 90 55 90 80 100 → 110 475 → 485
0031 Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Poison Ground 90 82 → 92 87 75 85 76 495 → 505
0034 Nidoking Nidoking Poison Ground 81 92 → 102 77 85 75 85 495 → 505
0036 Clefable Clefable Fairy 95 70 73 85 → 95 90 60 473 → 483
0040 Wigglytuff Wigglytuff Normal Fairy 140 70 45 75 → 85 50 45 425 → 435
0045 Vileplume Vileplume Grass Poison 75 80 85 100 → 110 90 50 480 → 490
0062 Poliwrath Poliwrath Water Fighting 90 85 → 95 95 70 90 70 500 → 510
0065 Alakazam Alakazam Psychic 55 50 45 135 85 → 95 120 490 → 500
0071 Victreebel Victreebel Grass Poison 80 105 65 100 60 → 70 70 480 → 490
0076 Golem Golem Rock Ground 80 110 → 120 130 55 65 45 485 → 495
0181 Ampharos Ampharos Electric 90 75 75 → 85 115 90 55 500 → 510
0182 Bellossom Bellossom Grass 75 80 85 → 95 90 100 50 480 → 490
0184 Azumarill Azumarill Water Fairy 100 50 80 50 → 60 80 50 410 → 420
0189 Jumpluff Jumpluff Grass Flying 75 55 70 55 85 → 95 110 450 → 460
0267 Beautifly Beautifly Bug Flying 60 70 50 90 → 100 50 65 385 → 395
0295 Exploud Exploud Normal 104 91 63 91 63 → 73 68 480 → 490
0398 Staraptor Staraptor Normal Flying 85 120 70 50 50 → 60 100 475 → 485
0407 Roserade Roserade Grass Poison 60 70 55 → 65 125 105 90 505 → 515
0508 Stoutland Stoutland Normal 85 100 → 110 90 45 90 80 490 → 500
0521 Unfezant Unfezant Normal Flying 80 105 → 115 80 65 55 93 478 → 488
0526 Gigalith Gigalith Rock 85 135 130 60 70 → 80 25 505 → 515
0537 Seismitoad Seismitoad Water Ground 105 85 → 95 75 85 75 74 499 → 509
0542 Leavanny Leavanny Bug Grass 75 103 80 70 70 → 80 92 490 → 500
0545 Scolipede Scolipede Bug Poison 60 90 → 100 89 55 69 112 475 → 485
0553 Krookodile Krookodile Ground Dark 95 117 70 → 80 65 70 92 509 → 519
Generation VII
# Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Speed Total
0024 Arbok Arbok Poison 60 85 → 95 69 65 79 80 438 → 448
0051 Dugtrio Dugtrio Ground 35 80 → 100 50 50 70 120 405 → 425
0065 Alakazam Mega
Psychic 55 50 65 175 95 → 105 150 590 → 600
0083 Farfetch'd Farfetch'd Normal Flying 52 65 → 90 55 58 62 60 352 → 377
0085 Dodrio Dodrio Normal Flying 60 110 70 60 60 100 → 110 460 → 470
0101 Electrode Electrode Electric 60 50 70 80 80 140 → 150 480 → 490
0103 Exeggutor Exeggutor Grass Psychic 95 95 85 125 65 → 75 55 520 → 530
0164 Noctowl Noctowl Normal Flying 100 50 50 76 → 86 96 70 442 → 452
0168 Ariados Ariados Bug Poison 70 90 70 60 60 → 70 40 390 → 400
0211 Qwilfish Qwilfish Water Poison 65 95 75 → 85 55 55 85 430 → 440
0219 Magcargo Magcargo Fire Rock 50 → 60 50 120 80 → 90 80 30 410 → 430
0222 Corsola Corsola Water Rock 55 → 65 55 85 → 95 65 85 → 95 35 380 → 410
0226 Mantine Mantine Water Flying 65 → 85 40 70 80 140 70 465 → 485
0277 Swellow Swellow Normal Flying 60 85 60 50 → 75 50 125 430 → 455
0279 Pelipper Pelipper Water Flying 60 50 100 85 → 95 70 65 435 → 445
0284 Masquerain Masquerain Bug Flying 70 60 62 80 → 100 82 60 → 80 414 → 454
0301 Delcatty Delcatty Normal 70 65 65 55 55 70 → 90 380 → 400
0313 Volbeat Volbeat Bug 65 73 55 → 75 47 75 → 85 85 400 → 430
0314 Illumise Illumise Bug 65 47 55 → 75 73 75 → 85 85 400 → 430
0337 Lunatone Lunatone Rock Psychic 70 → 90 55 65 95 85 70 440 → 460
0338 Solrock Solrock Rock Psychic 70 → 90 95 85 55 65 70 440 → 460
0358 Chimecho Chimecho Psychic 65 → 75 50 70 → 80 95 80 → 90 65 425 → 455
0527 Woobat Woobat Psychic Flying 55 → 65 45 43 55 43 72 313 → 323
0558 Crustle Crustle Bug Rock 70 95 → 105 125 65 75 45 475 → 485
0614 Beartic Beartic Ice 95 110 → 130 80 70 80 50 485 → 505
0615 Cryogonal Cryogonal Ice 70 → 80 50 30 → 50 95 135 105 485 → 515
Generation VIII
# Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Speed Total
0681 Aegislash Aegislash
Shield Forme
Steel Ghost 60 50 150 → 140 50 150 → 140 60 520 → 500
0681 Aegislash Aegislash
Blade Forme
Steel Ghost 60 150 → 140 50 150 → 140 50 60 520 → 500
Generation IX

Hisuian Zorua and Zoroark had the same stats as their regular counterparts before Version 1.2.0; however, they were not available legitimately in Generation IX at that point. Similarly, Kleavor's stats were readjusted back to how they were in Pokémon Legends: Arceus in this version.

# Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Speed</small Total
0488 Cresselia Cresselia Psychic 120 70 120 → 110 75 130 → 120 85 600 → 580
0570 Zorua Hisuian
Normal Ghost 35 → 40
40 → 35
60 → 65
65 → 60
40 85 → 80
80 → 85
40 70 → 65
65 → 70
0571 Zoroark Hisuian
Normal Ghost 55 → 60
60 → 55
100 → 105
105 → 100
60 125 → 120
120 → 125
60 110 → 105
105 → 110
0888 Zacian Zacian
Hero of Many Battles
Fairy 92 130 → 120 115 80 115 138 670 → 660
0888 Zacian Zacian
Crowned Sword
Fairy Steel 92 170 → 150 115 80 115 148 720 → 700
0889 Zamazenta Zamazenta
Hero of Many Battles
Fighting 92 130 → 120 115 80 115 138 670 → 660
0889 Zamazenta Zamazenta
Crowned Shield
Fighting Steel 92 130 → 120 145 → 140 80 145 → 140 128 720 → 700
0900 Kleavor Kleavor Bug Rock 70 135 → 130
130 → 135
95 45 70 → 75
75 → 70
85 500

Within a generation

In Generation IX, the treasures of ruin had their stats adjusted in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet's 1.0.1 version patch.

# Pokémon Type 1 Type 2 HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Speed Total
1001 Wo-Chien Wo-Chien Dark Grass 85 90 → 85 100 100 → 95 135 70 580 → 570
1002 Chien-Pao Chien-Pao Dark Ice 80 130 → 120 80 90 65 135 580 → 570
1003 Ting-Lu Ting-Lu Dark Ground 165 → 155 110 130 → 125 50 → 55 80 45 580 → 570
1004 Chi-Yu Chi-Yu Dark Fire 55 80 80 145 → 135 120 100 580 → 570

In spin-off games

Pokémon GO

Main article: Stat → Pokémon GO

Each species of Pokémon has three base stats: base Stamina, base Attack, and base Defense. Along with an individual Pokémon's IVs, the three base stats are used to determine a Pokémon HP, Attack, and Defense stats.

Related articles

In other languages

Base Stats

Language Title
Danish Basisstatistik
Dutch Basisstatistieken
Finnish Perusominaisuudet
European French Stats de base
German Basiswerte
Italian Statistiche base
Norwegian Basisstatistikk
Brazilian Portuguese Status base
Russian Параме��ры Parametry
Базовые статы Bazovyye staty
European Spanish Puntos de base
Swedish Basstatistik

Species strengths

Language Title
Dutch Sterke punten van een soort
French Stats de l'espèce
German Artenbedingten Stärken
Italian Potenziale della specie
European Portuguese Pontos fortes de uma espécie
Spanish Puntos de base de una especie

This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.