Anita (Japanese: アザミ Azami) is a character of the day who appeared in Gonna Rule the School!.

Anita with Pidgey

She initially found her time at the Pokémon Trainers' School boring, namely because she was forced to attend because of her parents. However, after seeing Max and Tommy help save some stolen Pokémon from Team Rocket, her views about Pokémon changed.

Anita disliked Tommy because he prided himself on being the star student and often bullied the other children. Anita would often leap to her fellow students defense, as she did for Kenny during the school trip. Her opinions of Tommy quickly changed after she joned forces with him to take down Team Rocket.



Pokémon Trainer's School's Pidgey
Debut Gonna Rule The School!
Voice actors
Japanese Megumi Hayashibara
English Megumi Hayashibara

Pidgey was first seen on a field trip with Roxanne's Beginner Class, and again when the class was trying to get used to Pokémon. During Team Rocket's attempt to capture the Pokémon from the school, Kenny told Anita to have Pidgey use a Wing Attack on the Wurmple-shaped mecha, releasing the stolen Poké Balls in the process.

Pidgey's only known move is Wing Attack.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 西村ちなみ Chinami Nishimura
English Tara Jayne
Finnish Elise Langenoja
European French Julie Basecqz
Italian Sabrina Bonfitto
Polish Katarzyna Łukaszyńska
Spanish Latin America Georgina Sánchez
Spain Sandra Jara

This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.