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Attēls:Coat of arms of O'Higgins Region, Chile.svg

Lapas saturs netiek atbalstīts citās valodās.
Vikipēdijas lapa

Sākotnējais fails (SVG fails, definētais izmērs 601 × 718 pikseļi, faila izmērs: 40 KB)


English: Coat of arms of O'Higgins Region, Chile
Avots Paša darbs
Autors B1mbo


Public domain
This file is part of the common cultural heritage (public domain) according to the Intellectual Property Law of Chile (Law No. 17336 and its amendments). Nevertheless, its author and source must be acknowledged. See here for the type of material that is part of the common cultural heritage (public domain).

čeština | English | español | македонски | português | +/−

Public domain in this flag's jurisdiction
This work is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship.
Insignia This image shows a flag, a coat of arms, a seal or some other official insignia. The use of such symbols is restricted in many countries. These restrictions are independent of the copyright status.


Pievieno vienas rindiņas aprakstu, ko šis fails attēlo

Šajā failā attēlotais


27 aprīlis 2009


checksum angļu


data size angļu

41 317 Baits

718 pikselis

601 pikselis

Faila hronoloģija

Uzklikšķini uz datums/laiks kolonnā esošās saites, lai apskatītos, kā šis fails izskatījās tad.

tagadējais2009. gada 28. aprīlis, plkst. 03.492009. gada 28. aprīlis, plkst. 03.49 versijas sīktēls601 × 718 (40 KB)B1mbo{{Information |Description={{en|1=Coat of arms of O'Higgins Region, Chile}} {{es|1=Escudo de la VI Región del Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins, Chile}} |So

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