Love Interest Wiki
Aladdin (Films Jean Image)

Aladdin is the love interest of Princess Badroulbadour in the 1970 Aladdin And The Wonderful Lamp (Aladin et la lampe merveilleuse) film

He called in love with the princess at first sight. He said to his mother he saw the princess and said she has stolen his heart. Despite his parrot and his mother saying to forget her since seeing the princess means death, he refused to forget her. He serenaded her who accept it and sang along with him. He can't forget her and wanted to make her his wife so asked his mother to ask the Sultan for his daughter's hand. The Sultan decided to meet him after seeing and talking with Aladdin's mother. He wants to see him in 3 days and Aladdin fulfill the Sultan's request for a wedding gift. Badroulbadour recognizes Aladdin the one she sang with. Aladdin hoped she can come to love him. While bing is held captive by the Magician of Egypt she dreams of her beloved Aladdin rescuing her and refuses the Magician of Egypt's love for her. She followed Aladdin's plan to get his magic lamp back. Badroulbadour refuses to be the Magician wife. Aladdin refer Badroulbadour as his beloved. After the defeat of the Magcian he and Badroulbadour went to marry.

