"Witches' Hollow" is a short story by August Derleth, presented as a "posthumous collaboration" with H.P. Lovecraft. It was first published in Arkham House's 1962 anthology Dark Mind, Dark Heart. It tells the story of an Arkham schoolteacher's efforts to save a student from a malignant influence.
As with most of Derleth's "posthumous collaborations", "Witches' Hollow" is a short story written by Derleth based on an idea from Lovecraft's Commonplace Book. It seems to be inspired by two entries:
“ | [130] – N. E. region call’d “Witches’ Hollow”– along course of a river. Rumours of witches’ sabbaths and Indian powwows on a broad mound rising out of the level where some old hemlocks and beeches formed a dark grove or daemon-temple. Legends hard to account for. Holmes — Guardian Angel. [134] – Witches’ Hollow novel? Man hired as teacher in private school road on first trip — encounters dark hollow with unnaturally swollen trees and small cottage (light in window?). Reaches school and hears that boys are forbidden to visit hollow. One boy is strange — teacher sees him visit hollow — odd doings — mysterious disappearance or hideous fate. |
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- Mr. Williams, a teacher at District School Number Seven, west of Arkham
- Andrew Potter, a student of Mr. Williams'
- Wizard Potter, Andrew's late grandfather
- Martin Keane, a Miskatonic University professor with a ready supply of star stones