The Petty-dwarves (named in Sindarin Noegyth Nibin or Nibin-Noeg, part of an older term, Bar-en-Nibin-noeg) were a diminutive race of Dwarves living in Beleriand during the First Age. They differed from most Dwarves: they were smaller, much more unsociable, and freely revealed their true names while other Dwarves kept their Khuzdûl names and language a secret.
The Petty-dwarves were Dwarves of several houses, exiled for reasons untold in very ancient times during the Peace of Arda. They were the first to cross the Blue Mountains in the First Age, and established strongholds in Beleriand before the building of Nogrod and Belegost in the Blue Mountains, and before the Elves arrived. They delved the very ancient settlements of Narukuthûn (Nargothrond) and Sharhbund (Amon Rûdh) but they dwindled before the Ñoldor returned to Middle-earth.
The Sindar, not yet acquainted with Dwarves, first thought the Petty-dwarves were animals, and hunted them. Not until the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains established contact with the Sindar did the latter realize what the Petty-dwarves were. Afterwards they were mostly left alone, but not before the Petty-dwarves came to hate all Elves with a passion.
By the time of the War of the Great Jewels, after the Return of the Ñoldor, the Petty-dwarves had nearly died out. By the fifth century of the Sun of the First Age, the last remnant of their people were Mîm and his two sons, who lived at Amon Rûdh. Túrin and his men shot at the Petty-dwarves, mistaking them for animals or Orcs. Mîm survived, but an arrow had killed one of his sons, Khîm. Mîm's other son had been killed by Orcs, leaving Mîm the last of his kind. Mîm was killed by Húrin after the latter's release from Angband, and the Petty-dwarves were no more.[1]

Mim, Khim and Ibun - Petty-dwarves (by Alan Lee)
The Petty-dwarves were created from remnant ideas based on the Nauglath in Tolkien's earliest writings in the The Book of Lost Tales. They were more or less created to explain the difference between the Dwarves later writings such as The Hobbit in comparison to the wicked dwarves from his earlier stories which he hadn't yet completely abandoned. However, some of the ideas of the Nauglath were reincorporated into the Naugrim (Dwarves) by J.R.R. Tolkien or his son in the published Silmarillion and separate from the Petty-dwarves (such as the history of Belegost and Nogrod, and the Sack of Doriath events).
Niwennog was their first ascribed name (preceding the change to Nibin-noeg), as told of in the index of The War of the Jewels.[citation needed]
Foreign Language | Translated name |
Afrikaans | Klein dwerge |
Albanian | I vogël Xhuxha të vegjël |
Amharic | ትናንሽ ኖዎች |
Arabic | الأقزام الصغيرة |
Armenian | Փոքր Թզուկները |
Azerbaijani | Kiçik cüceler |
Belarusian Cyrillic | маленькія гномы |
Bosnian | Mali patulji |
Bulgarian Cyrillic | Малки Джуджета |
Cambodian | មនុស្សតឿតូចៗ |
Catalan | Petit nans |
Croatian | Sitni patuljci |
Czech | Drobní trpaslíci |
Danish | Smålig Dværge |
Dutch | Nietige Dwergen |
Esperanto | Malgranda nanoj |
Estonian | Väikesed päkapikud |
Finnish | Vähäkääpiöt |
French | Petits-Nains |
Galician | Ananos Pequena |
Georgian | მცირე ჯუჯები |
German | Kleinzwerge |
Greek | Μικρο-νάνοι |
Hebrew | גמדים זוטאים |
Hindi | छोटे बौने |
Hungarian | Pici-törpök |
Icelandic | Lítil Dvergar |
Indonesian | Kecil Kurcaci |
Irish Gaelic | Abhaic Beaga |
Italian | Nanerottoli |
Japanese | 小ドワーフ |
Kannada | ಸಣ್ಣ ಕುಬ್ಜಗಳು |
Korean | 작은 난쟁이 |
Latin | Nani Parvus |
Latvian | Nelielu rūķis |
Lithuanian | Mažas Nykštukai |
Luxembourgish | Klengzwake |
Macedonian Cyrillic | Мали Џуџињата |
Maltese | Nani żgħar |
Mongolian Cyrillic | Жижиг одой |
Norwegian | Smålig Dverger |
Persian | پتیدورفها |
Polish | Krasnoludy Poślednie |
Portuguese | Anões Pequenos |
Punjabi | ਛੋਟੇ ਡੌਵਰਜ਼ |
Romanian | Mici Piticii |
Russian | Малые гномы |
Scottish Gaelic | Troichean Beaga |
Serbian | Ситни Патуљци (Cyrillic) Sitni Patuljci (Latin) |
Slovak | Malí trpaslíci |
Slovenian | Majhni škrati |
Spanish | Enanos Mezquinos |
Tajik Cyrillic | Котибот майда |
Tamil | சிறிய குள்ளர்கள் |
Telugu | చిన్న మరుగుజ్జులు |
Thai | คนแคระขนาดเล็ก |
Turkish | Ufak-cüceler |
Ukrainian Cyrillic | Малі гноми |
Urdu | چھوٹے گنوماس |
Vietnamese | Nhỏ người lùn ? |
Welsh | Corrachod Bach |
Yiddish | קליין דוואַרפס |
Races of Arda
Ainur (Valar & Maiar) | Dwarves | Elves | Ents | Great Eagles | Hobbits | Huorns | Men | Petty-dwarves | Skin-changers (Beornings) Servants of the Shadow:
Barrow-wights | Ettens | Dragons (Fire-drakes & Cold-drakes) | Ogres | Orcs (Uruk-hai) | Spiders | Trolls | Úmaiar (Balrogs) | Úvanimor | Vampires | Wargs | Werewolves |
- ↑ The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter XXI: "Of Túrin Turambar"