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The One Wiki to Rule Them All

The Ginglith was a tributary of the river Narog in the western portion of Beleriand, forming the western boundary of the plain of Tumhalad.[1]


The Ginglith was the site where the last battle of the elven realm of Nargothrond was fought, and where they were defeated. The river was sourced from somewhere in the forest of Núath close to the Ered Wethrin.[1]


Foreign Language Translated name
Armenian Գինգլիտ
Danish Ginglithfloden
Hebrew גינגלית
Macedonian Cyrillic Гинглит
Russian Гинглит

Rivers of Beleriand

Adurant | Aros | Ascar | Brilthor | Brithon | Celebros | Celon | Dry River | Duilwen | Esgalduin | Gelion | Ginglith | Glithui |
Greater Gelion | Legolin | Little Gelion | Malduin | Mindeb | Narog | Nenning | Ringwil | Sirion | Taeglin


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Atlas of Middle-earth, The First Age, The Elder Days, "Beleriand and the Lands to the North"