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Amdír, also known as Malgalad,[1] was an Elf of Doriath, the father of Amroth and King of Lothlórien.


Amdír was a Sindar Elf from Doriath who migrated east into Eriador after the War of Wrath. He took over the realm of Lórinand (later Lórien) from the Silvan Elves, south of where Oropher established the Woodland Realm among the Silvan Elves of Mirkwood.

Amdír and Oropher joined Gil-galad's forces when he crossed the Misty Mountains in the War of the Last Alliance. He was killed leading a precipitous charge in the Battle of Dagorlad alongside most of those who followed him. His son Amroth succeeded him as King of Lórien.[1]

King of Lórien
Preceded by
Amdír Succeeded by
Early Second Age - SA 3434


Foreign Language Translated name
Amharic አምድር
Arabic امدير
Armenian Ամդիր
Belarusian Cyrillic Амдзір
Bengali আমদির
Bulgarian Cyrillic Амдир
Chinese 安達
Georgian ამდირი
Gujarati આમદીર
Hebrew (Amdír) אמדיר

(Malgalad) מאלגאלאד

Hindi अमादिर
Japanese アムディル
Kannada ಅಮ್ದಿರ್
Kazakh Амдир (Cyrillic) Amdir (Latin)
Korean 암디르
Kyrgyz Cyrillic Амдир
Macedonian Cyrillic Амдир
Marathi आमदीर
Punjabi ਅਮਦੀਰ
Russian Амдир
Serbian Амдир (Cyrillic) Amdir (Latin)
Sinhalese අම්දීර්
Tajik Cyrillic Амдир
Tamil அம்தீர்
Telugu అమ్దిర్
Thai อัมเดียร์
Ukrainian Cyrillic Амдір
Yiddish אַמדיר


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Unfinished Tales, Part Two: The Second Age, IV: "The History of Galadriel and Celeborn, and of Amroth King of Lórien"