The One Wiki to Rule Them All
The One Wiki to Rule Them All
The One Wiki to Rule Them All
Not to be confused with The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide.

A Companion to J.R.R. Tolkien is an extensive, collaborative book on J.R.R. Tolkien's academic and personal life, Middle-earth writings, influences, language specialties, social impact, and other matters. Overseen by Stuart D. Lee and composed of many Tolkien scholars' exposition and summaries, it was published by Wiley-Blackwell in June 2014. A second edition was released in 2022.

It is one of few works of secondary literature serving as both a comprehensive resource for common fans and a scholarly study.

Stuart D. Lee is an information technology specialist and lecturer on Tolkien and Old English at Oxford University.

Publication years of primary & secondary literature
  •  See all by decade  •  
1966  •  1969  •  1974  •  1975  •  1977
1979  •  1980  •  1981  •  1982  •  1983
1988  •  1992  •  1994  •  1995
1997  •  1998  •  1999
2000  •  2001  •  2002  •  2003  •  2004
2005  •  2006  •  2007  •  2008  •  2009
2010  •  2011  •  2012  •  2013  •  2014
2015  •  2016  •  2017  •  2018
2019  •  2020  •  2021  •  2022  •  2023  •  2024


Part I: Life[]

1. A Brief Biography (written by John Garth)

Part II: The Academic[]

2. Academic Writings (Thomas Honegger)
3. Tolkien as Editor (Tom Shippey)
4. Manuscripts: Use, and Using (Stuart D. Lee)

Part III : The Legendarium[]

5. Myth-making and Sub-creation (Carl Phelpstead)
6. Middle-earth Mythology: An Overview (Leslie A. Donovan)
7. The Silmarillion: Tolkien's Theory of Myth, Text, and Culture (Gergely Nagy)
8. The Hobbit: A Turning Point (John D. Rateliff)
9. The Lord of the Rings (John R. Holmes)
10. Unfinished Tales and the History of Middle-earth: A Lifetime of Imagination (Elizabeth A. Wittingham)
11. “The Lost Road” and “The Notion Club Papers”: Myth, History, and Time-travel (Verlyn Flieger)
12. Poetry (Corey Olsen)
13. "Minor" Works (Maria Artamonova)
14. Invented Languages and Writing Systems (Arden R. Smith)

Part IV: Context[]

15. Old English (Mark Atherton)
16. Middle English (Elizabeth Solopova)
17. Old Norse (Tom Birkett)
18. Finnish: The Land and Language of Heroes (Leena Kahlas-Tarkka)
19. Celtic: “Celtic Things” and “Things Celtic” – Identity, Language, and Mythology (J. S. Lyman Thomas)
20. The English Literary Tradition: Shakespeare to the Gothic (Nick Groom)
21. Earlier Fantasy Fiction: Morris, Dunsany, and Lindsay (Rachel Falconer)
22. The Inklings and Others: Tolkien and His Contemporaries (David Bratman)
23. Later Fantasy Fiction: Tolkien's Legacy (Dimitra Fimi)
24. Modernity: Tolkien and His Contemporaries (Anna Vaninskaya)

Part V: Critical Approaches[]

25. The Critical Response to Tolkien's Fiction (Patrick Curry)
26. Style and Intertextual Echoes (Allan Turner)
27. The Hero's Journey (Anna Caughey)
28. Evil (Christopher Garbowski)
29. Nature (Liam Campbell)
30. Religion: An Implicit Catholicism (Pat Rinsent)
31. War (Janet Brennan Croft)
32. Women (Adam Roberts)
33. Art (Christopher Tuthill)
34. Music (Bradford Lee Eden)
35. Film Adaptations: Theatrical and Television Versions (Kristin Thompson)
36. Games and Gaming: Quantasy (Péter Kristóf Makai)

External links[]

See also[]
