
Orientation Video?[]

TM: You want to see Alvar Hanso, Peter, why don’t you watch the Orientation film, 
he talks all about the Valenzetti equation – I’ll send you the DVD.

Has anyone checked the first and second season DVDs for an easter egg?

The intereor of the hatch was never seen in Season 1, so it wouldn't be reasonable to expect any DHARMA/Hanso-related material to be there. Season 2 DVDs aren't even released yet (at least, not in the US, so far as I know.) I suspect they're referring to something entirely different that we haven't seen in the show yet, here. --Shodan1138 12:38, 7 July 2006 (PDT)
Whups. I saw that Amazon had the second season DVD listed, but didn't check the release date (September 5). Are there any DVDs released recently with Lost promos on them? --Doc 13:09, 7 July 2006 (PDT)