
The Barracks video was a video whose purpose was to brief the new members of the DHARMA Initiative about the Barracks area. It was hosted by Pierre Chang.


The video appeared to discuss the living area, and notably provided a brief explanation for why the area was surrounded by a sonar fence. It was stated that this was to protect employees from wildlife, rather than for instance the Monster, which the fence can defend against. ("Left Behind") The video also provided continuity about a new code for the fence being given every day, explaining how young Ben might have been able to learn it. Further, the video gave some clues to the purpose of the Initiative, to study the Island's unique properties for the betterment of the human race. Finally, the video also supported the notion that the Hydra station was a zoological facility, as the video mentioned ferrying employees (i.e. to a different Island), should they be assigned to this. This seems plausible as the Initiative would have wanted to keep potentially dangerous species away from their employees, separated by water.


3x20 BenRogerBarracksVideo

Young Ben and his father watching the Barracks video.

Welcome to the Island. For your own comfort and safety, we ask that you stay within the confines of your new living quarters. Our barracks are surrounded by a high frequency sonar fence to protect us from the island’s abundant and diverse wildlife. You are now a member of the DHARMA initiative.[inaudible]
Every morning, you will be given a new code that will allow you to cross outside the fences if you so desire. There are properties on this island that exist nowhere else on earth. Our mission is to study these properties for the betterment of mankind and advancement of world peace. Most of you will be working on the mainland. Should you be assigned to zoological study, our ferry will carry you to and from the site three times a day. Here at the barracks enjoy all the comforts and amenities of a modern suburban lifestyle. [inaudible]...ing your children... [inaudible] ...we [operate/offer a]... DHARMA initiative.

German version[]

In the German version of the barracks video, the ending is different.

...Our mission is to study these properties for the betterment of mankind and advancement of world peace. The worldwide peace, the end of all hostilities and wars was linked to the hope of the arrival of a redeemer for centuries. The messiah - who destroys all hostiles to unite all peaceful people in harmony. But now, after 2000 years of waiting, a group of scientists has [inaudible] ...leadership of... [inaudible] ...DeGroot... [inaudible]

Special Edition[]

The Special Edition Dharma Season 5 Box Set contains a longer, revised, version of the videotape.


[text card]




[Scene with a lawn, trees and mountains. Pierre Chang steps into view]

Welcome to the Island! You are now member of the DHARMA Initiative. There are properties on this Island, that exist nowhere else on earth. Our mission is to study these properties for the betterment of mankind and advancement of world peace.

[Scene at the Welcome Centre, signs of ADMISSION and ORIENTATION]

You are now part of admission. Our staffers are to help you get settled, and to answer any questions you may have throughout the orientation process.

[Scene at the Barracks with happy, busy people]

Here at the Barracks, you will enjoy all the comfort and amenities of a modern suburban lifesyle, where you and your neighbours all play an integral role.

[text card]


[A picture of the DHARMA assignment questionnaire, scenes of happily assigned people]

Soon, you will be given your job assignment, based on the aptitude test and paper work from your application. Whether you are placed as a workman or a researcher, we assure you that our test is designed to determine the position most beneficial to both you and the community.

[Scenes of a garderner and a mechanic during workhours, and of a man mowing the grass in his free time]

During workhours please be assured to wear your DHARMA Initiative jumpsuits, but you are free to wear civilian clothes on your off-hours.

[Pictures of the main Island, a polar bear, a sparrow and the logo of the Hydra station. Text: FERRY OPERATES THREE TIMES A DAY.]

Most of you will be working on the main land. Should you be assigned to zoological studies, the Pala ferry will carry you to and from the Hydra station three times a day.

[text card]


[Views of the Barracks, exterior and interior]

Our housing director will assign you to one of our cozy fully furnished bungalows. Each bungalow is equipped with a modern kitchen, with the latest appliances, comfortable living spaces and casual decor.

[text card]


[Views of the playground, children, the school and a volleyball game]

Our family friendly neighbourhood atmosphere helps children thrive. We consider it vital to provide them with the tools necessary to realise their full potential. We encourage all DHARMA members and their families to partake in our local community and recreational events, including our annual volleyball tournament.

[text card]


[Pictures of an outrigger at sea, prepared food, the Barracks Cafeteria lunch menu and tinned DHARMA food]

A full list of activities can be found at the recreation office. Our comissary has the finest culinary staff, trained at our Ann Arbor headquarters, to provide you daily with fresh and nutritional balanced meals. If you prefer to prepare your own meals, you'll find a fully stocked pantry in your residence that will be replenished weekly.

[text card with Arrow logo]


[Scenes with a smiling psychologist, Donna, personnel talking to a medical staff members, and a picture of a medical history questionnaire]

Additionally, we have a full staff of the finest medical doctors and counselors for you to answer any questions you may have and to make your stay here as comfortable as possible. Make sure you complete our medical questionnaire before reporting to work.

[Piere Chang on the lawn of the Barracks, a man on a bike cycles by]

For your own comfort and safety, we ask that you stay within the confines of your new living quarters.

[text card]


[Images of security cameras and the sonic fence]

By now you may have seen some of the security cameras, installed around the premises, in order to insure the safety of our children and families. Our barracks are surrounded by a high frequency sonar fence to protect us from the island’s abundant and diverse wildlife.

[text card with picture of a Sonar Fence control panel]


Crossing the Sonar Fence without disarming it, is not advised.

[Scene of a DHARMA van cruising over the Island. Text: 5 KILOMETERS]

You may want to explore your new Island home, but you must remain within five kilometers of the Barracks.

[Picture of the Island mountains, and a scene of a roving boar. Text: BEWARE.

Remember this is rugged, untamed land. Please, explore safely and under our guidance, as the Island is home to potentially dangerous flora and fauna.

[text card]


[Pictures of the Incident Report form and the Security Protocol handbook]

Any encounters with the indigenous people of the Island, should be reported to the closest Security personnel immediately. Please refer to the Security Protocol handbook for further instructions on our safety guidelines.

[Logos of the Tempest, the Pearl and the Orchid]

[pictures: an Arrow logo on a jump suit, a waving Kaukasian man with a moustache and an Afro-American man sitting on a bench, two female members (one a biologist named Cornelia) smiling at the camera.

The Island has multiple research facilities, each with its own purpose and protocol. Throughout your day to day activities you may interact with DHARMA Initiative personnel from these stations.

[text card]


[Scene of festivities around the Barracks gazebo]

We ask that you respect these key members' privacy, and do not enquire about their work, as they are not at liberty to discuss it. But remember: it is for the greater good of the community.

[text card]


[Scenes: A man named Earl and another DHARMA member laughing at the camera, a family party for Raymond, new recruits posing for a photo, a bearded man in a suit accepting his new clothes and protocols, two joking technicians in front of a giant computer, Elmer making notes, Phil instructing the new recruits, the barbecue party around the gazebo, with a sign 'WELCOME NEW RECRUITS' and DHARMA balloons for the children.]

We operate under a strong sense of togetherness, sharing and community. A community that you are now a member of. This is an exiting venture to be a part of, one with breakthrough technology and cutting edge research happening every day. We thank you for joining our family, and would like to invite you to attend our welcome barbecue this afternoon, where you can meet your departement's supervisor and enjoy some refreshments. Training for your new job will begin tomorrow. On behalf of the De Groots, Alvar Hanso and all of us here at the DHARMA Initiative: welcome and namaste!


  • Pierre Chang was wearing a Swan lab coat.
  • Pierre Chang didn't move his left arm during the video. This would imply that his prosthetic arm was already in place, but when Chang interviewed Jack Shephard to assign him his new job into the DHARMA Initiative after seeing the video, he had full use of both arms. ("Namaste") He later lost the use of his left arm during the Incident, which was after this video had been shot. ("The Incident, Part 1")

See also[]

External links[]

The Barracks video on YouTube

The German Barracks video with alternative transcript on YouTube

Revised Barracks video included with Lost: The Complete Fifth Season DHARMA Intiative Orientation Kit
