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Lostpedia Italia
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L'orologio è stato dato a Jack, il giorno in cui ha sposato Sarah da suo padre Christian Shephard. In precedenza era stato regalato a Christian il giorno del suo matrimonio dal nonno di Jack. Christian spiega di non averlo mai indossato, perchè suo padre disapprovava il suo matrimonio con Margo. Dopo Christian dice che Jack, al contrario di lui, aveva fatto la scelta giusta. Jack si mette immediatamente l'orologio. ("The Watch")


  • The watch Christian gives Jack is a two tone Rolex Datejust on a Jubilee bracelet. If the watch was made with an older Rolex 1570 movement, it would be model 1601. If the watch has the 3035 movement, it would be a model 16013, which were made in the late 70's and 1980's. Assuming that Jack was born around 1970, and after the marriage of Christian and Margot, it must be the former.
  • Jack gave Hurley what may have been the same watch to keep an eye on Claire's contractions shortly after the crash of Flight 815. ("Pilota, prima parte")
  • In the Season 1 Deleted Scene Claire's Doctor Visit, Jack is taking Claire's pulse using what may have been the same watch.
  • Jack is shown removing the watch to go through airport security in John Locke's vision in the sweat lodge. ("Ulteriori istruzioni")