Classic Bumper Collection is a 1997 UK VHS tape.
"The Grey Hounded Hare"
"Room and Bird"
"All Fowled Up"
"Two Scent's Worth"
"Don't Axe Me"
"Cats and Bruises"
"The Scarlet Pumpernickel"
"Mutiny on the Bunny"
"Hyde and Go Tweet"
"Feather Bluster"
"Louvre Come Back to Me!"
"Drip-Along Daffy"
"Mexicali Shmoes"
"Scaredy Cat"
"Kit for Cat"
"Zipping Along"
"Devil May Hare"
"Catty Cornered"
"Weasel Stop"
"Heaven Scent"
"The Ducksters"
"Assault and Peppered"
"Daffy Duck Hunt"
"Ant Pasted"
"Guided Muscle"
"The EGGcited Rooster"