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Patch 8.14

Welcome to patch 8.14. Over the last few patches, the game has seen some pretty hefty changes to the jungle, mid lane, marksmen, and Aatrox. For the next few patches, we'll be dialing it back and doing some smaller-scope changes, mostly balance tweaks.

First, you'll notice two new section as of last patch: simple buffs and simple nerfs. For the most part, that's for self-explanatory changes designed at making a champion stronger or weaker but not really altering their playstyle all that meaningfully.

We're also following up on the Aatrox rework, looking to reduce some of his overbearing lane presence and give him more to do in late-game teamfights. Finally, we're taking a small dive into two of our AP assassins (Fizz and Ahri) to make their gameplay a bit more intuitive and satisfying.


Gentleman GustafIcon Mattias "Gentleman Gustaf" Lehman
AetherIcon Paul "Aether" Perscheid

Patch Highlights[]


AatroxSquare Aatrox  
Base health decreased. Q base damage decreased. E recharge rate decreased early, increased later. R bonus attack damage increased. Q timer freezes while reviving.

Now that Aatrox players have gotten some games under their belt and mastered his pretty unique spells, it turns out he's pretty strong, especially in lane. We're pulling some of his early game power in exchange for some more late-game consistency.

BANNER OF.... In addition to switching Aatrox's sword stance, toggling CTRL+5 now unfurls banner-style wings

Base Stats

HEALTH : [610] 580

The Darkin Blade Q - The Darkin Blade

BASE DAMAGE : [20/35/50/65/80]
Q2 DAMAGE : 125% of Q1 damage (unchanged)
Q3 DAMAGE : 150% of Q1 damage (unchanged)
SWEET SPOT DAMAGE : 150% of Q1, Q2, or Q3 damage (unchanged)
50-100% (at levels 1-18) of base damage

Umbral Dash E - Umbral Dash

RECHARGE RATE : [20/18/16/14/12]
24/20/16/12/8 seconds

World Ender R - World Ender

BONUS ATTACK DAMAGE : [20%] 20/22.5/25% total attack damage
PAUSING THE APOCALYPSE Q's recast timer is now frozen while reviving

Mid-Patch 8.13 Updates
These changes went live partway through 8.13.

Q1 LENGTH : [625] 650
Q1 WIDTH : [175] 200
Q2 LENGTH : [500] 525 (sweet spot size unchanged)

FizzSquare Fizz  
W no longer deals bonus damage against primed targets. W base damage increased. W now grants on-hit damage if empowered attack does not kill its target.

The mark-priming mechanic on Fizz's W was unsatisfying, asking players to hold one of their damage tools until later. As an assassin, his role is to lay down damage quickly and get out, which made that wait feel particularly awkward. We're removing the priming mechanic, and bringing back an on-hit buff on the active, but keeping the cooldown reset on kills. The new W still does damage over a longer period of time, but more of that damage is front-loaded so Fizz players can more quickly make like a trident and stab.

Seastone Trident W - Seastone Trident

Fizz's next basic attack deals bonus damage. If it kills a unit, W's cooldown and mana cost are partially refunded. If it doesn't, Fizz's subsequent basic attacks are empowered for 5 seconds.

EMPOWERED ATTACK DAMAGE : [20/30/40/50/60]
40/50/60/70/80 (+0.4 AP)
ATTACK RESET? : Yes (unchanged)
COOLDOWN : [10/9.5/9/8.5/8]
7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds
COST : 30/40/50/60/70 mana (unchanged)
REFUND ON KILL : W's cooldown resets to 1 second and Fizz is refunded [20/28/36/42/50]
20/28/36/44/52 mana
DAMAGE BUFF ON NON-KILL : 10/15/20/25/30 (+0.3 AP) on-hit damage for 5 seconds
PASSIVE BLEED : 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.4 AP) over 3 seconds (unchanged)
LESS STABBY : W's passive bleed no longer applies to targets Fizz passes through during Q's dash or to targets hit by R's fish or shark

JinxSquare Jinx  
Base health increased. Health growth decreased.

Part of the reason marksmen (notably the immobile, late-scaling ones) are struggling is low lane durability against the new aggressive champions they face.

Base Stats
HEALTH : [531] 581

KarmaSquare Karma  
Base mana regen increased; growth decreased. Base armor increased; Q splash radius increased. Empowered detonation damage decreased at early ranks.

Support Karma is struggling hard at most skill levels, but at this point a straight buff might push her too high up in organized play. We're upping her baseline spellcasting and durability, but pulling back some of her waveclear to keep her from becoming overbearing at the highest levels of play.

Base stats
MANA REGEN : [8.5] 11.5 mana per 5 seconds
MANA REGEN GROWTH : [0.8] 0.5 mana per 5 seconds
BASE ARMOR : [20.4] 26

Inner Flame Q - Inner Flame

SPLASH RADIUS : [250] 280
35/140/245/350 (at Mantra levels 1/2/3/4)

SionSquare Sion  
Q base damage and damage ratio increased at later ranks.

Sion's last round of nerfs was necessary while Banner of Command was the top pick for top laners. Now that the item has been removed from the game, he's landing on the weak side.

Decimating Smash Q - Decimating Smash
BASE DAMAGE : [30/47.5/65/82.5/100]
DAMAGE RATIO : [0.45/0.50/0.55/0.6/0.65]
0.45/0.525/0.6/0.675/0.75 total attack damage

TwitchSquare Twitch  
Base health increased. Health growth decreased.

Part of the reason marksmen (notably the immobile, late-scaling ones) are struggling is low lane durability against the new aggressive champions they face.

Base Stats
HEALTH : [542] 582

Mid-Patch 8.13 Updates
Because last patch was three weeks long (compared to our usual two weeks), we put out a larger balance update than usual in the interim. We're reposting those changes in this patch to make sure you've seen them.

SEE ABOVE : See above


HEADSHOT DAMAGE : [50% (+100% crit chance)]
[50-100% (at levels 1-18) (+150% crit chance) total attack damage


Q ATTACK SPEED : [30/50/70/90/110%]
E COST : [70/75/80/85/90]
50/55/60/65/70 mana


Q MINIMUM DAMAGE RATIO : [1.0] 1.1 total attack damage
Q MAXIMUM DAMAGE RATIO : [1.5] 1.65 total attack damage
W ON-HIT DAMAGE : [5/9/13/17/21]
W STACK POP DAMAGE : [2/2.75/3.5/4.25/5%]
3/3.5/4/4.5/5% target's maximum health per stack


R DAMAGE RATIO : [1.5] 1.2 bonus attack damage


PASSIVE MOVEMENT SPEED : [30-45%] 20-45%
Q COOLDOWN : [9/7.5/6/4.5/3]
11/9/7/5/3 seconds

SFX Updates
Updated the SFX for a few champions.

KENNEN : New SFX on entire kit
LEE SIN : Updated mixing and mastering for current SFX
KOG'MAW : Updated mixing and mastering for current SFX
JARVAN IV : Updated mixing and mastering for current SFX

Simple Buffs[]

AhriSquare Ahri  
E mana cost decreased. E charm duration increased early.

Picking opponents off with her mobility and Charm is Ahri's core pattern, so we want to make sure that Charm feels appropriately impactful, even early on.

Charm E - Charm
COST : [85] 70 mana
CHARM DURATION : [1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2]
1.4/1.55/1.7/1.85/2 seconds

CassiopeiaSquare Cassiopeia  
Q base damage increased late. Q damage ratio increased.

Noxious Blast Q - Noxious Blast
BASE DAMAGE : [75/120/165/210/255]
DAMAGE RATIO : [0.7] 0.8 ability power

CorkiSquare Corki  
E base damage and resistance reduction per stack increased.

Gatling Gun E - Gatling Gun
BASE DAMAGE : [80/140/200/260/320]

EliseSquare Elise  
Health growth increased.

Base Stats

NasusSquare Nasus  
Passive lifesteal increased early.

Soul Eater Passive - Soul Eater
LIFESTEAL : [10/15/20%]
12/18/24% (at levels 1/7/13)

PantheonSquare Pantheon  
Bonus attack speed at level 1 added. W base damage increased.

Attack speed should help Pantheon's jungle without pushing his top lane up too much.

Base stats

Aegis of Zeonia W - Aegis of Zeonia

BASE DAMAGE : [50/75/100/125/150]

Rek'SaiSquare Rek'Sai  
Q and R damage ratios increased.

Queen's Wrath Q - Queen's Wrath
DAMAGE RATIO : [0.4] 0.5 bonus attack damage

Prey Seeker Q - Prey Seeker

DAMAGE RATIO : [0.4] 0.5 bonus attack damage

Void Rush R - Void Rush

DAMAGE RATIO : [1.85] 2.0 bonus attack damage

SivirSquare Sivir  
Q cooldown decreased.

Boomerang Blade Q - Boomerang Blade
COOLDOWN : [9] 7 seconds

Vel'KozSquare Vel'Koz  
Q damage ratio increased.

Plasma Fission Q - Plasma Fission
DAMAGE RATIO : [0.6] 0.8 ability power

VayneSquare Vayne  
W damage increased late.

Silver Bolts W - Silver Bolts
MAXIMUM HEALTH DAMAGE : [4/6/8/10/12%]
4/6.5/9/11.5/14% target's maximum health

ViSquare Vi  
Base attack speed increased. R cooldown decreased.

Base stats
BASE ATTACK SPEED : [0.625] 0.644

Assault and Battery R - Assault and Battery

COOLDOWN : [130/100/70]
110/85/60 seconds

ViktorSquare Viktor  
W cast range increased.

Gravity Field W - Gravity Field
CAST RANGE : [700] 800

Simple Nerfs[]

Dr. MundoSquare Dr. Mundo  
Q health refund decreased.

Infected Cleaver Q - Infected Cleaver
HEALTH COST REFUND ON HIT : [50%] 40% (still doubled on kill)

RakanSquare Rakan  
Q cooldown increased late. R cooldown increased.

Gleaming Quill Q - Gleaming Quill
COOLDOWN : [12/10.5/9/7.5/6]
12/11/10/9/8 seconds

The Quickness R - The Quickness

COOLDOWN : [120/100/80]
130/110/90 seconds

SejuaniSquare Sejuani  
R stun duration decreased.

Glacial Prison R - Glacial Prison
MAX STUN DURATION : [2] 1.5 seconds

ShenSquare Shen  
Q slow decreased early.

Twilight Assault Q - Twilight Assault
SLOW : [35%] 15/20/25/30/35%

SwainSquare Swain  
R explosion damage ratio decreased.

Demonflare R - Demonflare
MAX EXPLOSION DAMAGE RATIO : [1.35] 1.05 ability power

TalonSquare Talon  
W return damage decreased late.

Rake W - Rake
INCOMING DAMAGE : [70/95/120/145/170]

WukongSquare Wukong  
E base damage decreased late.

Nimbus Strike E - Nimbus Strike
BASE DAMAGE : [65/110/155/200/245]

ZoeSquare Zoe  
W base damage decreased late. W damage ratio decreased.

Spell Thief W - Spell Thief
BASE DAMAGE : [75/120/165/210/255]
DAMAGE RATIO : [0.65] 0.55 ability power


Jungle Items
If you have the most individual total gold on your team, lane minions kills grant less gold.

Jungle funneling tends to be a very passive and unengaging strategy, largely rooted in avoiding conflict. This is subverting a lot of normal laning patterns, so we're looking to significantly nerf the strategy. We'll be pursuing cleaner system solutions to the problem in preseason, but for now we're just trying to decrease the viability of funneling.

Hunter's Machete
Hunter's Talisman

MONSTER HUNTER If you have the most individual total gold on your team, lane minions kills will grant 10 less gold. This penalty is removed upon completion of an Enchantment on a Skirmisher's Sabre or Stalker's Blade.

Mid-Patch 8.13 Updates 

Because last patch was three weeks long (compared to our usual two weeks), we put out a larger micropatch in the interim than usual. We're reposting those changes in this patch to make sure you've seen them.

BUILD PATH : BF Sword + Pickaxe + Dagger + [725 gold]
[Dagger + 425 gold]
TOTAL COST : 3200 gold (unchanged)
CRIT DAMAGE : 160-200% (at [0-60%]
[0-30%] crit chance)

Brawler's Gloves

COST : [600] 400 gold


COMBINE COST : [400] 600 gold
TOTAL COST : 1300 gold (unchanged)

Summoner Spells[]

Cooldown increased.

Teleport has emerged as a dominant summoner spell in most lanes. This is particularly problematic bot lane, where it's often taken on champions who simply wish to avoid conflict in the laning phase and scale into the late game. For now, we're increasing the cooldown to give combat summoners a longer window in which to punish Teleport users.

BASE COOLDOWN : [300] 360 seconds
CANCELED COOLDOWN : [200] 240 seconds


Rune ConquerorConqueror  
Bonus attack damage decreased.

Conqueror has been crowding out other keystone options for fighters, as well as room for non-fighter champions in top lane. Reducing some of its laning strength should give other keystones (and champions) more ability to fight back.

BONUS ATTACK DAMAGE : [10-35] 6-35 (at levels 1-18)

Rune Ghost PoroGhost Poro  
Ghost Poro now requires an active placement.

DELIBERATE HAUNTING After 1 second in brush, your current trinket becomes a ghost poro item, which may be used to place ghost poro
SPOOKY SPOOKY While either you or your ghost poro is anywhere in enemy territory (past the river), gain 5-20 (based on level) ability power or 3-12 bonus attack damage, adaptive.

Rune Zombie WardZombie Ward  
Zombie Wards no longer spawn from friendly wards which time out. Damaging a champion after destroying a ward inflicts bonus damage.

WARD'S REVENGE Damaging a champion after destroying a ward inflicts 30-90 (at levels 1-18) bonus magic damage
FRIENDLY BURIAL Zombie Wards now only spawn from enemy wards killed, not also friendly wards which time out.

Cursor Update[]

Patch 8.12 Image 1
(Left to right, top row: Default Cursor, Ally Hover, Enemy Hover, Enemy Hover - Colorblind)
(Left to right, bottom row: Target, Ward Bush + Target Ally, Attack Move + Target Enemy)

After nine and a half years, we’re updating the in-game cursor! It’s got all the same functionality as the bronze gauntlet we've worn for years but with a bunch of improvements.

NEW : All cursor states have been updated (see above for some of the most common)
SHAPE : Cleaner and simpler, so it's easier to track as it moves across your screen
COLORS : Adjusted across all states prevent blending in with the map or with particles in chaotic team fights
SCALABLE : Can now be scaled up and down in the Options > Interface menu. Great for 4K resolutions!
NOSTALGIA : You can still switch back to the old cursor via a toggle in the Options > Interface menu

Champ Select[]

Failing to ban a champion no longer kicks you from champ select. This change went live during 8.13.
It’s a bit harsh to break up a champ select lobby on a missed ban selection, so instead, failing to ban a champion will default to “No Ban” and champ select will keep on truckin’. Failing to select a champion for yourself will still incur a dodge.


  • Recurve Bow no longer incorrectly applies on-hit damage to towers if the champion has enough ability power to deal magic damage to towers
  • Charm effects now correctly cause Scuttle Crab to take increased damage
  • Wukong's Decoy now correctly takes true damage from champions with Conqueror
  • Fixed a bug where Bone Plating's cooldown was incorrectly reset when revive effects were triggered
  • Fixed a bug where Bone Plating would cause Zac to revive if all of his Cell Division blobs were killed at the same time
  • Shields on Star Guardian Ezreal are no longer misplaced during his dancing animation
  • PROJECT: Leona's Zenith Blade's VFX no longer pass through Yasuo's Windwall
  • Meowkai's Laugh SFX no longer stack when the emote is spammed
  • Skin-specific SFX have been restored for Santa Draven
  • Dark Waters Diana's Lunar Rush no longer causes frame drops when used on an enemy from Fog of War
  • Certain shield particles from items and champion abilities no longer render through terrain during the animation of God-King Darius' Noxian Guillotine
  • Updates have been made to Pulsefire Twisted Fate to increase gameplay clarity
  • Hextech / Star Guardian Poppy no longer display base Poppy's VFX when an enemy destroys the P - Iron Ambassador buckler
  • Twisted Fate's Stacked Deck empowered attacks now correctly deal their bonus damage if Twisted Fate dies while they are traveling
  • Twisted Fate's Stacked Deck counter no longer gets confused after he is affected by a revival effect (Guardian Angel, Zilean's Chronoshift)

Upcoming Skins & Emotes[]

The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for their full-res splash!

Chogath Splash 13
Dark Star Cho'Gath
Poppy Splash 15
Hextech Poppy

Xayah Splash 3
SSG Ezreal / SSG Jarvan IV / SSG Taliyah / SSG Gnar / SSG Xayah / SSG Rakan

The following emotes will be released this patch:

Patch 8.12 Image 2
Squee / Are You Serious / Now See Here
