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Teams will be awarded with Championship Points based on their final placement after the playoffs have been finished. These points will be used to determine the two teams which will drop down to Promotion.

  • Bottom 2 drop down to Promotion
  • If two teams are tied in points, the final placement will be decided by which team gained more points in summer

Points Distribution[]

Place Spring Points Summer Points
1 105 140
2 75 100
3 60 80
4 45 60
5 30 40
6 18 24
7 12 16
8 0 0


1Macko Esportslogo stdMacko Esports75140215
2Atleta Esportlogo stdAtleta Esport10560165
3ANc Outplayedlogo stdaNc Outplayed45100145
4Cyberground Gaminglogo stdCyberground128092
5GGEsportslogo stdGGEsports601676
6Axolotllogo stdAxolotl182442
7Samsung Morning Starslogo stdMorning Stars04040
8Esport Empirelogo stdEsport Empire30030