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The Lion King Wiki
DWTN Auntie
Physical information




Hair color

Gray, pink, and red

Eye color


Distinguishing features

Hair bun

Biographical information


Relationship information

Pumbaa (nephew)

Maybe he won't kill you...but I'm going to!
―Auntie to Pumbaa, after he breaks her possessions[src]

Auntie is a female warthog. She is the aunt of Pumbaa.


Early life[]

Auntie had a nephew named Pumbaa. She lived in a townhouse-style apartment.[1]

Skirmish with Pumbaa[]

Pumbaa and his best friend, Timon, arrived at a townhouse-style apartment, and Pumbaa informed his friend that his aunt lived on the second floor. He then thanked Timon for agreeing to help him house-sit while she was away. Timon, who was carrying a boombox, was excited about having a party at Auntie's house, but Pumbaa warned his friend that he had to be careful not to break any of Auntie's belongings, as she owned several priceless family heirlooms.

Later, after Timon and Pumbaa broke many of Auntie's belongings, she showed up and declared that she was going to kill Pumbaa. She proceeded to chase him and Timon around her apartment.[1]

Physical appearance[]

Auntie is a portly warthog. She has red fur, with a maroon underbelly, black hooves, a gray hair bun, and black eyes with yellow sclerae. She wears a lavender blouse with a golden clasp and carries a matching lavender purse.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Auntie is possessive of her belongings, to the point that she will physically attack anyone who breaks them.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Revealed in "Don't Wake the Neighbear" from Disney's The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa. Season 3, Episode 17b. Written by Henry Gilroy and directed by Joe Horne and Brad Neave. Originally aired April 23, 1999.