The Lion Guard Wiki
The Lion Guard Wiki

My first plot for vengeance was spoiled when I lost the Roar

Scar , Battle for the Pride Lands

Scar Loses the Roar is where Scar uses the Roar of the Elders at his own Lion Guard and loses the roar and the Mark of the Guard.

Prior to The Lion Guard[]

Scar used to be leader of the Lion Guard back when he was a teenager. He did most of the patrols on his own. He thought that the Rear of the Elders made him powerful and that he should be king. He ordered his Lion Guard to take down Mufasa but they refused. Scar uses the Roar of the Elders and blows them away. He soon loses the Roar and the Mark of the Guard.

The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar[]

Simba and Rafiki tells his son Kion and Bunga
TLG-Return-of-the-Roar (454)

Telling Kion about the Roar

how the Lion Guard didn't have a happy ending.

Lions of the Outlands[]

Kion fears that he'll loose his roar just like Scar did if he uses it against other Lions. However, Bunga corrects him and says that Scar lost the roar for evil.

Never Roar Again[]

Kion looks at a painting of Scar losing his roar after he almost losses his mom.

The Lion Guard: The Rise of Scar[]

Makini use her Bakora Staff on a painting of Scar loosing his roar.

Battle for the Pride Lands[]

A painting of Scar loses his roar can be seen in the Liar of the Lion Guard. Later, Scar tells Ushari and Shupavu's Group how he lost the roar during the song When I Led the Guard.

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