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The Lion Guard Wiki
The Lion Guard Wiki

Bats, why did it have to be bats?

Ono, Marsh of Mystery

Bats are air-dwelling mammals that appear in The Lion Guard universe. They live in both the Pride Lands, the Outlands, and the Marsh.


Botswanan long-eared bats are nocturnal mammals of the order Chiroptera. Their forelimbs have webbed wings, making them the only mammals truly capable of flight. They let out chirps that bounce back to them from their environment or insects that serve as potential prey, a talent owned by all bats called echolocation.


In the Real World[]

Bats are small, winged nocturnal mammals with large pointed ears and relatively flat faces.

In The Lion Guard[]

The bats in The Lion Guard are brown with pink inner ears and a tuft of white fur on their foreheads.


The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar[]

Return-of-the-Roar (480)

The bats lift Bunga

Bunga hangs upside down with some bats as he sings Zuka Zama. The bats then fly away with two of them grabbing Bunga.

Too Many Termites[]

Too-Many-Termites (180)

The bats crash into Ono

Ono reports that the Mekundu Bats are asleep in a tree that is about to fall apart. The Guard heads over and shouts for the bats to wake up. Eventually, Bunga climbs into the tree, and the bats quickly exit, causing Ono to fall out of the air as they collide with him.


Beware-the-Zimwi (1)

Bats hanging around

A baby baboon startles a group of bats as he frolics around whilst Fuli tries to calm him down.

Beware the Zimwi[]

Three bats are hanging on a tree at the start of the episode. Another bat flies in shortly after, resting between the others.

Lions of the Outlands[]

During the song Lions Over All as Zira and Kion enter a cave, a colony of bats flies out of holes in the cave wall.

Ono and the Egg[]

Bats are shown in the song A Real Meal willingly walking into Mpishi's beak alongside hareshyraxes and chameleons via a conga line.

Marsh of Mystery[]

Some bats fly out of one of the caves that Ono and Makini see after falling into a cavern in the marsh. It gives Ono the idea to use echolocation to find their way out via Makini's voice.


The Night Mission[]

A bat warns the Lion Guard of the hyenas arrival.

Notable Bats in The Lion Guard[]

Animals in The Lion Guard
Pride Landers
AardvarksAardwolvesAntsBaboonsBatsBee-eatersBeesBongosBuffaloesBushbucksButterfliesCaterpillarsCentipedesChameleonsCheetahsChimpanzeesCobrasCockroachesCrocodilesCrowned CranesCricketsDragonfliesDrongosDucksDung BeetlesEaglesEarthwormsEgretsElandsElephantsFinchesFishesFlamingosFleasFliesForest HogsGalagosGazellesGeckosGenetsGiraffesGolden MolesGolden WolvesGrass RatsGrasshoppersGrey-Headed BushshrikesHamerkopsHaresHedgehogsHippopotamusesHoney BadgersHornbillsHyraxesImpalasJerboasKingfishersKlipspringersKudusLadybugsLionsLizardsMandrillsMeerkatsMiceMongoosesMonkeysOryxesOstrichesPangolinsPorcupinesPythonsRavensRed ColobusesReedbucksRhinocerosesSable AntelopesSand CatsServalsSlugsSnailsSnakesStarlingsStorksTermitesTickbirdsTicksToadsTortoisesTsetse FliesTuracosTurtlesUtamuWarthogsWild DogsWildcatsWildebeestsWolvesYellow WagtailsZebras
CrowsHyenasJackalsMole-ratsMonitor LizardsMothsRainbow AgamasScorpionsSkinksVultures
Other Animals
Bactrian CamelsBinturongsCivetsClouded LeopardsCrabsDolphinsDonkeysElksFalconsFirefliesFlying SquirrelsFoxesGeeseGiant PandasGibbonsGoatsGorillasGrey-Headed TanagersHarrier HawksHumpback WhalesJellyfishKomodo DragonsLemursLeopardsLobstersManta RaysMountain GoatsMouse DeerMusk DeerOctopusesOkapisOttersOxenOwlsParrotsPeafowlsPenguinsPikasPolar BearsRed PandasReindeerSea TurtlesSeahorsesShrewsShrimpsSnow LeopardsSnow MonkeysTapirsTigersTree FrogsTree SquirrelsWhite-Throated Laughingthrushes