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Plaetje:Eurlings Dutch politician kabinet Balkenende IV.jpg

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Eurlings_Dutch_politician_kabinet_Balkenende_IV.jpg ((325 × 450 pixel, besjtandsgruutde: 63 kB, MIME type: image/jpeg))

Dit besjtandj kump van Wikimedia Commons en kin ouch in anger projekte gebroek waere. De pagina mit de besjtandjsbesjrieving wurt hiejónger weergegaeve.


Besjrieving Dutch politician from kabinet Balkenende IV
Brón Rijksvoorlichtigsdienst. The Dutch government agency for information to the public and press
Sjriever Unknown. Copyright holder of the picture is the Dutch State.
(Hergebroek van dit besjtandj)

letter to Dutch Chapter, Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland, dated 30 May 2007.

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hujig31 mei 2007 20:21Miniatuurplaetje veur versie per 31 mei 2007 20:21325 × 450 (63 kB)Ellywa{{Information |Description=Dutch politician from kabinet Balkenende IV |Source=Rijksvoorlichtigsdienst. The Dutch government agency for information to the public and press |Date=2007 |Author=Unknown. Copyright holder of the picture is the Dutch State. |Pe

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