

Class 2 article

A leader knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way

Solomon Blaze is a Galaxy Squad minifigure released in 2012 who later reappeared in the Ultra Agents theme in 2014.


Galaxy Squad[]

Solomon Blaze's face is printed with a concentrating face, and a small scope over his right eye. His alternate expression, like all human members of the Galaxy Squad, has a breathing apparatus printed. His helmet is the same colour blue as the ADU soldiers from Alien Conquest, as are his arms and legs. His torso is light grey with a white stripe running vertically through the center. His armour printing is based on the muscles underneath. He has a small symbol, that of his squad, printed in the upper-left corner of his chest. A black utility belt is also present at the base of the torso. Grey armour printing is continued in the center of the hips. Solomon's legs are printed with grey knee-pads lined with black.

Ultra Agents[]

A new variant of Solomon Blaze was released for the Ultra Agents series in 2014. He is older than he was in Galaxy Squad. He has short grey hair, his legs are black with a prosthetic right leg and no printing on his left one. He has light grey hands and black arms with no printing on them. He wears a black suit with a golden button in the neck and a tie of the same color. His suit has the logo of the Ultra Agents colored in silver, on his left side, which features the letter "A" with a star surrounding it and a lightning in the middle. His face is yellow and has a scar in the upper, right side of his face, a dotted beard with and a small grey moustache and eyebrows. He has two expressions, one depicting a determined look while the other depicts a smirk. He is also the leader of the team. His main vehicle appears to be the convertible included in 70162 Infearno Interception.


Solomon Blaze was a member of the Galaxy Squad and the leader of the Blue Squadron. He fought against the Alien Mosquitoid, Alien Buggoids, and Alien Mantizoids. He eventually returned to Earth, and many years later, he joined the Ultra Agents, and was eventually cherry-picked to head the team. He trained four recruits, all of who became fully-fledged Ultra Agents.

Ultra Agents App[]

"Agents are on the move. We'll get to the bottom of this."
―Solomon, shortly after the start of Terabyte's attack [src]

As various supervillains started appearing around Astor City, Infearno showed up in Uptown, and Solomon guided Player's Agent over a communication link as he took down the dirty villain. However, Infearno escaped in a fire truck.[1]

Sometime later, Solomon was aware of a disturbance in Downtown Astor City that was causing all the technology to be hacked, and he drove the Ultra Agents Mission HQ through the streets trying to find the cause, all the while avoiding cars that were going haywire. P.U.P. alerted him to the presence of Terabyte on top of Astor Tower. As Terabyte broadcast a virus across the entire city, Solomon was forced to pull over because the truck's controls were glitching. He headed down to the docks as the other agents created an antivirus to take down Terabyte with, and Solomon reported that a cargo ship that had previously lost control returned to its normal course. After everything was restored, he congratulated his fellow agents at the HQ.[2]

The AntiMatter Missions[]

"I'm going to frame that towhook when we get back to HQ."
―Solomon, after Player captured Toxikita [src]

But peace would not last forever. A new villain, Spyclops, invaded the Ultra Agents' new headquarters with a swarm of his custom-made Spyders that not only spied on the base and everyone inside,[3] but started destroying everything inside. Solomon and Agent Caila Phoenix had their hands full trying to contain the swarm with bug spray and stud shooters.[4]

Brainsteins's Sacrifice

During Spyclops' second attack at the HQ, a third attack was unfolding at Dr. Brainstein's lab, The Peak. Solomon made his way out there on a stealth bike as soon as he received the news. Dr. Brainstein sacrificed himself by self-dectructing The Peak before Solomon made it there, and the agent lamented the loss of the doctor, his plans, and his lab. He pulled Player up from where he had been dangling from a nearby ledge, and Player revealed that even though his 4x4 was precariously dangling off the cliff by its tow hook, he had managed to successfully capture Toxikita. Solomon promised to frame the tow hook when he returned to HQ, but he received a call from Caila Phoenix, who urgently told him that the base was under attack. However, the connection was corrupted, and he lost all contact with her.[5] Furthermore, he was informed by Agent Steve Zeal that all of their previously captured villains had escaped, and Solomon gave the order to slow them down while he made his way there.[6]

Solomon's Sacrifice

When he, Player, and Agent Curtis Bolt arrived in the Coleport district, they found themselves quickly outnumbered by Tremor, Drillex, and Terabyte. As the battle progressed, a massive portal started to form over the city, and Solomon took to the skies in his stealth bike to investigate, while Curtis Bolt and Player traveled across the ground in their 4x4. Solomon was attacked by Psyclone and Infearno as he made his way toward the portal, seconds before AntiMatter emerged. Solomon opened fire at AntiMatter, who protected himself with a force field, before being shot down by Invizable. Solomon free-fell toward the city before being caught by Agent Max Burns in the UltraCopter, and he was safely pulled inside. AntiMatter gradually started pulling a large number of civilians up toward the portal, but Solomon leaped out of the UltraCopter and onto his floating platform to stop him. This sudden move caused AntiMatter to temporarily lose control of his staff, causing the civilians to fall, but they were rescued. AntiMatter flew back through the portal with Solomon, and the portal vanished.[7]

Solomon was held prisoner at AntiMatter's Portal Hideout for the next six months[8] while SharX guarded him. The Ultra Agents' new stealth drone breached the cloaking device and confirmed Solomon's presence within, but before it was destroyed by the Sharkanator, it fired a single shot at AntiMatter's laurentonium supply, deactivating the cloaking device and allowing the Ultra Agents Ocean HQ to approach the hideout.[9]

As AntiMatter's minions kept the Ultra Agents at bay, AntiMatter taunted Solomon before moving his cage closer to the hideout's portal, threatening to turn him into his greatest villain. However, AntiMatter was intercepted by the Ocean HQ which fired a tow hook directly into the portal, then reversed the polarity of the portal's energy, which caused the Sharkanator and Dr. Brainstein to lose control of themselves. Solomon escaped his fallen cage, and the out-of-control Dr. Brainstein tosses AntiMatter into his own portal, transforming him back into Morgan Lux. When Morgan asked how the Ultra Agents accomplished this, Solomon revealed that, in a way, Morgan did it to himself.[10] Description[] This is a description taken from Please do not modify it. (visit this item's product page)


The former pilot and wing commander Solomon Blaze, was cherry-picked to head the Ultra Agents. His unfaltering determination inspires courage on the ground as it did in the air. After all, leadership is leadership.


Galaxy Squad[]

Ultra Agents[]

Ultra Agents App[]

Ultra Agents: The Antimatter Missions[]

Gallery of Variations[]

UASolomonBlaze StillHasn'tChanged
Galaxy SquadUltra Agents


  • He appears in three Galaxy Squad sets, more than any other human Galaxy Squad member.
  • He is the only Ultra Agent to have only one variant throughout the entire duration of the theme.
  • He is voiced by Jeff Rechner in all the Ultra Agents media.
  • The description of 70170 UltraCopter vs. AntiMatter states that Solomon Blaze is new and exclusive to the set. This is not true, since he appeared in two sets before then.


