

Class 4 article

RoboRiders was a TECHNIC theme launched by LEGO in 2000. It succeeded Slizer as a series of affordably priced characters with the suggestion of a world and story behind them. It was short-lived, being replaced by BIONICLE in 2001. A total of eight retail and eight promotional sets was released.


The RoboRiders were designed as robotic, anthropomorphic bikes, complete with a faceplate and special gear to suggest adaption to a specific environment; for example, Swamp has two katana mounted near its front wheel to cut through undergrowth. These tools usually integrated a play function - pressing down on Swamp's head swings the katana forward.

The main selling point of the RoboRiders, however, was their Talisman Wheels. All of the RoboRiders' front wheels are set in a special launching tray which, when pulled out, can be bent upward and released to send the wheel flying forward as an attack. Like the discs from Slizer before them, the RoboRiders wheels are also collectible, with the ones included in each set random-packed, and more available from the supplementary 8515 RoboRider Wheels set. Continuing the concept of special packaging that began with the Slizer sets, the RoboRiders came in plastic cans which, when placed in a freezer, could reveal a code to unlock that RoboRider's respective stage in the RoboRiders minisite's online game.

The second release wave consisted solely of 8516 The Boss, a larger-scale model that could be built in two configurations, one of which allows the RoboRider to separate its upper chassis from its wheels for flight mode.



The story from

The RoboRiders website[1] and UK catalog[2] describe a story where the RoboRiders battle against a monster virus on the Web. It is unclear if this was intended to be reflective of the story concept for RoboRiders in its entirety, or merely the premise of the web-based RoboRiders Game unlockable with the codes from the RoboRider cans.[3]

Aside from the aforementioned UK catalog, most print media does not mention the virus. Instead, magazines (such as LEGO Mania Magazine and World Club Magazine) simply focused on describing each RoboRider's ability to safely navigate dangerous environments.[4][5] World Club Magazine indicates that they battle one another in a grand competition to win the title of "The Real RoboRider".[6]

The RoboRiders[]

The RoboRiders are cyborgs that possess human brains and mechanical bike bodies. LEGO Mania Magazine and World Club Magazine provided descriptions of the main six RoboRiders.[4][5] The Boss received comparatively little information, but is described as the next generation of stronger, faster, and smarter RoboRiders in its Shop At Home description.

  • Swamp - A lime RoboRider with teal wheels and katanas, equipped to navigate poisonous swamps.
  • Lava - A red RoboRider with orange wheels and halberds, equipped to navigate volcanic regions.
  • Frost - A white RoboRider with trans-light blue wheels and ice spears, equipped to navigate icy drifts.
  • Onyx - A black RoboRider with glow-in-the-dark wheels and twin laser cannons, equipped to navigate rocky mountains.
  • Dust - A tan RoboRider with dark grey wheels and spring-loaded harpoons, equipped to navigate sandy deserts.
  • Power - A yellow RoboRider with yellow wheels and arm-mounted adjustable brakes, equipped to navigate urban environments.
  • The Boss - The next generation of RoboRiders with two alternate forms: a three-wheeled motorcycle and a detachable flying craft.

Talisman Wheels[]

Each RoboRider came with either two or three Talisman Wheels, and more could be found random-packed in 8515 RoboRider Wheels. The Talisman Wheels are launched by RoboRiders as projectiles at incoming obstacles. The wheels are randomly decorated with one of sixteen talismans:

  • Axer
  • Blazooka
  • Chain-Saw
  • Driller
  • Dynamite
  • Flame
  • Fuel
  • Grab
  • Laser
  • Ninja
  • Rope
  • Scout
  • Skeleton
  • Stunner
  • Toxic
  • Twin-Saw
Roboriders Wheel

The sixteen Talisman Wheels

Each talisman could be collected in nine colors:

  • Bright Bluish Green (Swamp)
  • Bright Orange (Lava)
  • Transparent Light Blue (Frost)
  • Phosphorescent White (Onyx)
  • Dark Grey (Dust)
  • Bright Yellow (Power)
  • Black (The Boss)
  • Transparent Fluorescent Reddish Orange (only in RoboRider Wheels packs)
  • Gold (only in 880010-12 combo packs)

With sixteen talismans and nine colors, this meant that a total of one hundred and forty-four Talisman Wheels was available to collect.


Image#SetNumber of piecesMinifiguresPriceRelease
Lava buggy1290Lava Buggy35 2000
Power Bike1291Power Bike32 2000
Frost flyer1292Frost Flyer34 2000
Swamp craft1293Swamp Craft25 2000
8003-18003Volcano Climber35 2000
8004-18004Dirt Bike32 2000
8005-18005Ice Explorer34 2000
8006-18006Swamp Craft25 2000
8509 Canister8509Swamp45$5.992000
8513 Canister8513Dust46$5.992000
Wheels8515RoboRider Wheels4$1.992000
8516 Boss8516The Boss125$19.992000

Combination Packs
Combination models

Each RoboRider had instructions for a combination model in the back of the instruction manual. The pairs were as follows:

  • Lava/Swamp
  • Power/Onyx
  • Dust/Frost

Additionally, instructions for the following combinations were available on the RoboRiders website:

Roboriders combiner

The five ComboRiders


With the development of what would become BIONICLE taking more time than anticipated, a placeholder theme was needed to keep something new on the market in the interim between that line's launch and the end of Slizer. RoboRiders was this filler line,[source?] combining the character-based impulse-buy concept of Slizer with the Create N' Race styling of TECHNIC in the year 2000.

The early storyline outlined by Christian Faber describes the RoboRiders competing in obstacle courses in the Pit, which is overseen by the RoboMaster.[7] This is a description taken from the RoboRiders preliminary storyline by Christian Faber. Please do not modify it. (See an archive of the product’s page)



Who are the RoboRiders?

Well, the best way to describe them is to call them human robots.
They each have the brain of a man and the body of a bike. And their current mission is to get through an obstacle track without getting destroyed - as fast as possible of course!
Nobike knows what future missions may lay ahead for this toptrained sixpack.

There are six different RoboRiders and they are programmed and equipped with special skills that make them an expert on each of their field.

They can use the magical powers of their talisman wheels, by shooting off the front wheel if an obstacle has to be destroyed.

Lava RoboRider is built to resist the heat from the fluid lava and the flying rocks that occupy the lava track.

Spike RoboRider is equipped to avoid the sharp thorns and other obstacles which grow on this green track.

Mount RoboRider is an evasion expert, built and trained to manage the rough layer, rock slides and other dangers on the mountain track.

Acid RoboRider is built to make it through the poisonous fumes of the this[sic] track.

Steel RoboRider is behaving like an athletic dancer - otherwise it wouldn't be able to avoid the obstacles of the glossy steel track.

Dune RoboRider is geared to escape the areas of quicksand and longlimbed monsters that hide in this sand track.


The RoboRiders gather in a Pit before a run through. The programming of the riders is done by the RoboMaster. He can create them any way he chooses. And send them in any direction he pleases. He can also build them together, if the degree of difficulty or pace of action demands it.

So, join the RobeRiders.[sic] It's a game, where you automatically become the RoboMaster.


See also[]


  1. ↑ LEGO TECHNIC Robo Riders Story Page
  2. ↑ UK 2000 catalog - pages 68-69
  3. ↑ LEGO TECHNIC RoboRiders Game Page
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 LEGO Mania Magazine September-October 2000 - pages 18-19
  5. ↑ 5.0 5.1 World Club Magazine Number 2 2000 - pages 7, 8, 9
  6. ↑ World Club Magazine Number 4 2000 - pages 6-7
  7. ↑ Unboxing Secrets with the Creator of LEGO BIONICLE: Christian Faber!