Design ID: 64262 |
Years in production: 2009-2012 | Available Colours: |
Part 64262 is a BIONICLE head part. It was first used on the BIONICLE theme and is called "Hoved 2 W/Ball Cup 09".
Transparent Bright Green | Transparent Fluorescent Blue | Transparent Fluorescent Green | Transparent Fluorescent Reddish-Orange |
- Transparent Bright Green
- Transparent Fluorescent Blue
- 6230 Stormer XL
- 6282 Stringer
- 7160 Drop Ship
- 7164 Preston Stormer
- 7179 Dunkan Bulk and Vapour
- 8976 Metus
- 8982 Strakk
- 8988 Gelu
- 8989 Mata Nui
- 8992 Cendox V1
- 8993 Kaxium V3 (2)
- Transparent Fluorescent Green
- 6217 Surge
- 6283 Voltix
- 6293 Furno
- 7117 Gresh
- 7147 XPlode
- 7158 Furno Bike
- 7167 William Furno
- 7169 Mark Surge
- 8975 Berix
- 8981 Tarix
- 8986 Vastus
- 8987 Kiina
- 8995 Thornatus V9
- Transparent Fluorescent Reddish-Orange
- 2192 Drilldozer
- 2235 Fire Lord
- 6200 Evo
- 6222 Core Hunter
- 6223 Bulk
- 6227 Breez
- 6231 Speeda Demon
- 7136 Skrall
- 7137 Piraka
- 7145 Von Nebula
- 7156 Corroder
- 7157 Thunder
- 7162 Rotor
- 7165 Natalie Breez
- 7168 Dunkan Bulk
- 7170 Jimi Stringer
- 7179 Dunkan Bulk and Vapour
- 8972 Atakus
- 8973 Raanu
- 8974 Tarduk
- 8978 Skrall
- 8979 Malum
- 8980 Gresh
- 8983 Vorox
- 8984 Stronius
- 8985 Ackar
- 8990 Fero and Skirmix
- 8991 Tuma
- 8994 Baranus V7 (3)
- 8996 Skopio XV-1