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LEGO → Media Audio and Video → Jack Stone
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3901 jack stone movie screenshot

Screenshot from the movie

3901 Jack Stone Video is a Media Audio and Video Jack Stone VHS Tape released in 2001. It is Computer-Generated Imagery and the front featured Jack Stone in the middle of pictures of him with vehicles and such. It was sent to people who were getting the LEGO Club Magazine, and it was included in some Jack Stone packs.


The video starts in a studio where a news announcer named Bob Stuart gives a Lego News Special Report, that Lego City is saluting one of its finest citizens, Jack Stone. In the foreign dubs, Rory Lines passes the microphone to a black-haired policeman and a gray-haired man in green and was so stingy about this. The woman talks about saving her little Daisy from a flood. Rory finally talks on the news that there's a name on everyone's lips, and the name is Jack Stone, who is the city's favorite hero. The first guest arrives at the studio, who is the Harbor Res-Q Chef, Robby Hartman. Everyone in Lego City has one Jack Stone story, and Bob asks Robby what's his. Robby starts to tell his first Jack Stone story, that happened on carnival time.

It was a beautiful day, and the townspeople were loving the parade. Everyone was having a great time, but then, suddenly, something bad happened. As a seagull crossed the road, like a chicken, a black-haired fireman in a truck with three pipes making a triangle on the trailer started driving towards it. When the fireman saw the gull, he quickly turned right to avoid it and the truck accidentally hits the water tower and knocks down one of its supports, and the water tower fell apart and down and the water poured out of it, and the street got flooded, when the parade ends and gets canceled. An officer called into a walkie-talkie to call Harbor Res-Q, and the police and Harbor Res-Q Team got into their helicopters and took off. There were now lives at stake, and the water kept rising. The two police helicopters: one which is large with gray skis and a headlight and the other which is small with black skis and a winch, and a large Harbor Res-Q one like the police one flew down to the flood, but the small police helicopter got its tail caught on one of the banners and its pilot fell out, falling forwards. The remaining helicopters couldn't go any lower, so they call in the Harbor Res-Q Boat with an open-faced helmeted man in it. But as the boat arrived, it couldn't get through due to a truck in the flood waters blocking its way. Then the Harbor Res-Q Team remembered after Robby said that it was pretty tough down there. But then he just said, "When in doubt, shout!" first, and the man in the rescue boat then said, "Can do, will do!", and then, out of nowhere, Jack Stone arrives. When Jack sees a duck skimming low over the water, it gives him an idea. So the open-faced helmeted pilot takes Jack up to the roof by a hook. Suddenly, the helicopter with the closed-faced helmeted man instead of the open-faced helmeted one lands safely. The open-faced helmeted man in the boat watches Jack take the two propellers: a black one and a gray one and turns the rescue boat into a heli-boat by building it like Robby says. The heli-boat took off into the air and flew over the truck and the other obstacles in the water, and kept low enough to stay under the banners, and Jack rescued everyone.

After Robby finished telling his story of Jack Stone, Bob states to take another look back to see how Jack did it. As Jack knew the helicopters and the boats couldn't do it on their own, he put them together, and the skimming duck was a great inspiration. The heli blades lifted the boat over all the obstacles, but it still kept low enough to stay under the banners, and everyone was rescued when the parade was still canceled. It was incredible. Later, Jack fixed the water tower, but Robby states "that's another story", and the Harbor Res-Q Team built their own heli-boat themselves and are running some tests on it. Bob puts his hand over his face and Robby lets out a sad sigh by mouthing it silently.

The second guest visiting the studio is the very own chief of police, Bud Brick. Bob tells Bud that although the police do a great job for Lego City, from time to time even Bud called on Jack Stone. Bud then tells his next Jack Stone story about a prison break out after stating, "First time it ever happened to us, mind you?".

One day, at the police station, a criminal in a green car attaches a cable from the car to a jail cell another criminal was in and is determined to free him. After the cable was attached, the criminal in the cell tells the other one to step on it, and the criminal in the car drives it forward while attached to the cell and breaks the bars off, and the imprisoned criminal was free. After getting freed, the criminal in the cell gets into another car, which is black with red on it. Emergency sirens ring, alerting the police officers there's a prison breakout as said by a PA announcer saying "All units!" twice and saying, "We have a breakout. Repeat, prison breakout!". Two policemen try to stop the criminals, but they drive off. One of the officers moves out of the way and the other officer hangs onto a lamppost. One of the officers then calls in Car 4, but what he means is that Car 5 will go after them, which will be the police car driving after them, while the Res-Q worker in his Res-Q car comes to a stop. The police car drives after the two criminals through the city to try to stop them, knocking two barriers out of the way, but while chasing after them, the criminal in his black-red car knocks some of the boxes out of the way, causing the bars on the other criminal's green car to be lost. When the police car goes out of control, it crashes into a wall. Its tire is lost and the criminal in the green car gets ahead of the officer, with stars spinning around his dizzy head and his blue cap is turned to the right side of his faceless face. Then it was time to take to the sky, so another officer goes into a police helicopter and flies after the two criminals. As the helicopter flies after them, the criminals stop their cars at the bank and break into it. In the foreign dubs, the woman in orange and the Res-Q boy gasp silently when they look at us and the criminals search for the officer. The officer then lands the helicopter on the helicopter pad on the bank's roof and gets on the elevator and goes down to the bottom floor. In the foreign dubs, when the officer gets to the bottom floor, the criminals get on the elevator and go up to the roof. Then they get into the helicopter and borrow it like friendly people do and take off in it. However, as soon as they do, the blue-capped criminal cries, "Help! Do something. I'm scared. Help me!" and the black-haired one tells him to fly this thing by saying it, but the blue-capped criminal sees who or what is easy enough on TV with the other one making a surprised expression. As soon as the blue-capped criminal says it, we see three officers dancing with their still legs, but when they see the helicopter, they get so scared and lower their heads. Bud says that it was getting crazy and the two criminals were putting themselves, and the city at risk saying that we had to think fast. The officers wondered what to do, then they remembered with one of them saying, "Well, then, when in doubt, shout!". The officers then say, "Can do, will do!". As soon as they do, the criminals can't stand a chance, and when the black-haired criminal tells the blue-capped one not to look down, which is bad luck by warning him, they see Jack Stone swing down on a cable. "Where there's a problem, there's a solution.", Jack says. He sees an elderly man dressed in green holding a fishing pole who is standing still and waving his arms and the elderly woman dressed in orange jumping, as well as the three officers from before with the jumping one who is standing behind another, staying still and it gives him an idea. So Jack takes a long pole and a cable hook piece and attaches them to a police vehicle. Jack and the two officers then grab onto the pole, and count to three. After counting to three, they let go of the pole and it launches the cable and the hook catches the helicopter and pulls it back down to the ground, and the criminals were finally caught. In the foreign dubs, when the two criminals were sent to jail by car, the black-haired one talks to the blue-capped one.

Bob finds it great, and Bud states that Jack just loves inventing new ways of doing things. Bob, Bud and Robby then take another look of how he did it. After seeing how did it, and where he got the inspiration. Bob then says, "I guess you can say he got those guys hooked line sinker.", but Bud didn't what Bob was talking about.

Next, the final guest arrives in the studio, who is the city fire chief, Ron Flame, who is given a very warm welcome. Since Ron and his fire crew are incredibly brave, Bob asks how did they need the help from Jack Stone. Ron then tells his third Jack Stone story.

One night, Ron's men were fighting a big fire in a big building. As usual they were succeeding, the fire was out and people were saved. However, across town, in another building, there was another fire, and a woman was trapped in the building's top floor. The police, along with the Res-Q worker, called the firemen, but there were no more men at the station. A woman at the fire station asks Ron what should they do, and he tells her, "When in doubt, shout!", and the woman says, "Can do, will do!". As soon as she does, the loud noise she does causes Ron to lose his hat. In the foreign dubs, the Res-Q worker and the police officers look up at the still-trapped woman, who looks down at the man in green, and the woman in orange, and the Res-Q boy. Jack Stone shows up falling to the ground to make a parachute appear and arrives at the burning building. When there, Jack sees a snail, and it gives him an idea. So Jack takes the crane off a Harbor Res-Q Truck and a piece from another truck and he builds a machine and it lifts the building up off the ground, and places it onto a Harbor Res-Q Semi Truck. Jack then gets into the truck and drives it carrying the burning building and a police car leads him. Jack then arrives with the building at the harbor and backs the truck up into the water, dipping the building into it and the water puts the fire out. In the foreign dubs, after the fire was out and Jack brings the building back out of the water, Ron's firemen arrive at the unburned building and pull out a life net to stop the woman from getting hurt. The firemen count up to three to help the woman land on the life net, like a trampoline. Afterwards, the firemen cheer for Jack for saving the day.

Bob was amazed for what he does, and Ron tells him, "You know what they say, Bob, if you can't take the water to the fire, then take the fire to the water.". Bob, Ron, Bud and Robby then take a look to see how he did it. When seeing the snail, that was all the inspiration he needed.

Just then, a breaking story comes in, and Bob says that it sounds serious. It was at the city harbor, where it's snowy, and Bob asks for some footage. Rory Lines was there and reports what happened. There's a real problem and Rory shows Bob what it is. An ice skater, dressed in red has fallen off the ice cause it was starting to break and is now stranded in the ice cold water. Harbor Res-Q Trucks then arrive, but it's not going to work, making the ice refuse to take all their weight. So Bud tells Johnson to send a Res-Q helicopter to the harbor right away. A small Harbor Res-Q helicopter arrives and flies towards the skater, who warns the pilot. But as the copter flies towards him, it hits the bridge, knocking its blade off and falls onto the ice, spinning out of control with the door opening. Next, Robby then asks where the Res-Q boat is after Bud lowers his head, and a Harbor Res-Q Boat then arrives with two Res-Q workers. But the boat couldn't get through. Then, Ron tells PA to send a fire engine after thinking about boats on ice and the firemen arrive. As the firemen arrive, they turn the fire engine's ladder towards the skater, but it was too short and the fireman couldn't reach the skater. When Robby, Bud, and Ron wonder what they should do now, they decide to shout together after Ron asks them and they all say, "Can do, will do!". As soon as they do, Jack Stone arrives, jumping off a hill. Jack then sees a seagull walking on the ice, and it gives him an idea. Suddenly, during the breaking story, Rory accidentally falls backwards into the water, causing the story to stop. So Jack takes a crane from one of the Harbor Res-Q Trucks and the fire engine's ladder. Then he takes a life saver from the Harbor Res-Q Boat and then the helicopter. Then Jack uses all the parts he collected and builds an all-new walking rescue vehicle. The two-legged rescue vehicle walks on the ice up to the skater and the skater climbs up the ladder out of the water, and Jack brings him up to the bridge to safety. Everyone cheers for Jack for coming to the rescue for the last time while Rory stands back up, saying, "And over to you, Bob!" in the background. Bob, Robby, Bud, and Ron were all amazed, and it all happened just moments before a special awards ceremony.

At city hall, where it's snowy again, Rory arrives while the people stand outside and he explains that the ceremony is about to begin. The mayor, alongside an orange-capped woman dressed in purple and magenta with flowers on it, as a silent judge, announces to the townspeople that they're all assembled at city hall tonight to honor Jack Stone, as his cleverness, kindness and bravery has already become legendary, and now the mayor, as himself was privileged to present him with the key to the city. However, the mayor can't reach the key to the city. His arms are too short like the ladder in the ice rescue scene and Jack wasn't there, then when the mayor tells the audience where Jack is in a whisper, black-haired firemen in the crowd were saying, "When in doubt, shout!" by telling the other crowd members, and they were all joining them saying, "Can do, will do!", except the blue-capped policemen, who have toothy grins and including the women, who look more like the one onstage and Jack Stone finally arrives coming down the city hall ceiling on a cable. When the crowd cheers in the background, the elderly women dressed in orange blink their eyes in amazement and an announcer says, "Ladies and gentlemen, Jack Stone!". The mayor and everyone else salutes Jack. The mayor then trips over a rope in his way and grabs Jack by the shoulders, tossing the key up into the air, making the crowd gasp as it tries to fall to the ground in slow-motion, but as Jack manages to catch it, the crowd claps for him off-screen with the camera zooming right to him, smiling with his finger-pointing eyebrows low at us, making the ceremony come to a close.

The video then ends with Bob telling the viewers that Jack Stone is a man with a mission, to help, to save, to make things right, and they can help him do it, and Bob then says, "When in doubt, just shout!", and everyone says together, "Can do…" with the townspeople from the ceremony saying, "…will do!" much faster, and Jack Stone finishes saying a final "Done!".

In the credits, an announcer says "Real life rescue situations are dangerous and should only be attempted by the experts, such as police, fire, and rescue officers. If you see a dangerous situation, tell an adult, or call for emergency assistance.".


Following the same order of appearance as in the movie credits

  • All voices by
    • Marc Smith
    • Martin Sherman
    • Andy Loudon
  • Animation by
    • Robert Dorney
    • Teoman Irmak
    • Stephen Freir
    • Ed Pattman
    • Marvin James
    • James Roberts
    • Mark Smith
    • Simeon Hankins
    • Henk Venter
    • Steven Crisp
    • Greg Barrett
    • Adam Beamish
    • Chris Read
    • Avril Crisp
    • James Harpham
    • Paul Biver
    • James Parker
    • Kirsty Cotterill
    • Karl White
    • Barry Keegan
  • Composer
    • Rupert Gregson Williams (Air-Edel Associates)
  • Recorded Music
    • Gridiron Mark
    • W. Loose
    • 1982 KPM Music Ltd.
  • Audio by
    • Peter Hall
    • Paul Weir
    • Rachel Hall
  • With special thanks to
    • Bruce Hopman
    • Gordon Bennett
    • Kathleen Fleming
    • Kim Pagel
    • Natalie Dickenson
    • Per Hjuler
    • Rhubarb Ltd.
    • Rob Ellis
    • Steven McCall
  • Associate Producer
    • Jason Povlotsky
  • Producer
    • Stewart Green
  • Executive Producers
    • Bob Thompson
    • Trine Mønsted
  • Script By
    • Hannah Kodicek
  • Production By
    • Artworld UK for the LEGO company


  • This video was once featured on Comcast's On-Demand.
  • The languages that dub the VHS are English, French, German, Dutch, Polish, Czech, and Slovenian.
  • In the English dub, some animated shots are missing. Since only one recording of the English version exists online, it is unknown if this applies to all tapes or only the uploaded one.
  • "Real life rescue situations are dangerous and should only be attempted by the experts, such as police, fire, and rescue officers. If you see a dangerous situation, tell an adult, or call for emergency assistance.".
  • In the Polish version of the awards ceremony scene, they say Jack's catchphrase three times.
  • The mayor's voice in the English dub sounds a lot like Alfonzo from Eskimo Bob.
  • When Rory says, "Yes, we're at city hall where the ceremony is about to begin.", applause is heard with a drum hit as the screen shakes while we zoom inside city hall.
  • The Res-Q and ice rescue scenes feature all the shots in them.
  • When Robby, Bud, and Ron argue, Robby's black walkie-talkie and Ron's gray one are gone, except for Bud's other gray one, which is on the table.
  • When Bud claps, his gray walkie-talkie is gone like Ron's which is similar.
  • When the spectacled officer says, "Call harbor Res-Q!", the walkie-talkie's handle is on the wrong end.

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