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Amphibians & Reptiles
Crocodile \ Frog \ Snake \ Sea Turtle \ Turtle
Ant \ Butterfly \ Lobster \ Spider
Bird \ Chicken \ Ostrich \ Owl \ Parrot \ Peacock \ Penguin \ Seagull \ Toucan
Land Mammals
Bat \ Bear \ Bison \ Cat \ Chimpanzee \ Camel \ Cow \ Deer \ Dog \ Elephant \ Fawn \ Foal \ Giraffe \ Goat \ Gorilla \ Hedgehog \ Hippo \ Horse \ Lion \ Llama \ Monkey \ Otter \ Panda (DUPLO) \ Panda (Friends) \ Pig \ Polar Bear \ Pony \ Sheep \ Squirrel \ Rabbit (Bunny) \ Rat \ Wolf \ Zebra
Sea Animals
Clam \ Crab \ Dolphin \ Dolphin (Friends) \ Fish \ Jellyfish \ Lobster \ Narwhal \ Octopus \ Orca \ Sawfish \ Shark \ Starfish \ Stingray
Dinosaurs/Prehistoric Animals
Ankylosaurus \ Apatosaurus \ Baby Tyrannosaurus rex \ Baryonyx \ Brachiosaurus \ Camarasaurus \ Carnotaurus \ Centrosaurus \ Coelophysis \ Compsognathus \ Corythosaurus \ Dilophosaurus \ Diplodocus \ Dimetrodon \ Dimorphodon \ Gallimimus \ Iguanodon \ Mammoth \ Mosasaurus \ Ouranosaurus \ Pachycephalosaurus \ Parasaurolophus \ Plateosaurus \ Plesiosaurus \ Postosuchus \ Pteranodon \ Spinosaurus \ Stegosaurus \ Stygimoloch \ Styracosaurus \ Triceratops \ Troodon \ Tyrannosaurus rex \ Velociraptor
Fictional Animals 1
Dragon \ Baby Dragon LEGO Rock Band animals: Octopus \ Baby Octopus Adventurers animals: Golden Dragon \ Jun-Chi \ Minotaur \ Tygurah \ Yeti Avatar animals: Momo the Flying Lemur Power Miners animals: Rock Monster \ Lava Monster Rock Raiders animals: Rock Monster \ Ice Monster \ Lava Monster \ Slimy Slug \ Spider \ Scorpion \ Rock Whale Gremlins animals: Gremlin \ Mogwai Jurassic World animals: Indominus Rex \ Indoraptor
Fictional Animals 2
Marvel creatures: Abilisk \ Asgardian Wolf \ Goose \ Old Lace Middle Earth creatures: Cave Troll \ Fell Beast \ Great Eagle \ Gwaihir \ Mirkwood Spider \ Treebeard \ Shelob \ Smaug \ Warg \ Ninjago animals: Ninjago Dragons \ Ultra Dragon \ Great Devourer \ Minor Ninjago characters and creatures Pharaoh's Quest animals: Cobra \ Scarab \ Scorpion \ Sphinx
Fictional Animals 3
Star Wars animals: Acklay \ Bantha \ Blurrg \ Corellian Hound \ Dewback \ Dianoga \ Fambaa \ Kaadu \ Luggabeast \ Mynock \ Nexu \ Porg \ Rancor \ Rathtar \ Reek \ Roggwart \ Sarlacc \ Tauntaun \ Varactyl \ Wampa \ Zillo Beast Vikings Animals: Fafnir \ Fenris \ Midgard Serpent \ Nidhogg \ Ofnir \ Wyvern Wizarding World animals: Aragog \ Basilisk \ Bowtruckle \ Cornish Pixie \ Erumpent \ Grindylow \ Hedwig \ Hippogriff \ Niffler \ Occamy \ Phoenix \ Swooping Evil \ Thestral \ Three-Headed Dog \ Thunderbird \ Unicorn The LEGO Movie: Giant Snail \ Plantimal \ Scarfield \ Winged Cow The Wizard of Oz: Flying Monkey Ghostbusters: Terror Dog Adventure Time: Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant \ Stormo \ Goliad \ Box Kingdom Citizen \ Fire Wolf Pup Beetlejuice: Sandworm