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Good articles in Brickipedia Good articles are articles which are considered to be of good quality but which are not yet, or are unlikely to reach, featured article quality. Good articles should meet the good article criteria below and have passed through the nomination successfully.Currently, of the 41,165 Brickipedia articles, about 45 are categorized as good articles(about 1 in 915), most of which are listed below. An additional 41 are listed as featured articles (about 1 in 1,010). Articles are only included on one list, so when a good article is promoted to featured status, it is removed from the good articles list. Adding good and featured articles gives a total of 86 articles (about 1 in 479). The process for designating an article as a good article is very easy. If you find or contribute to an article meeting the good article criteria, you can nominate it on the nominations page for other Brickipedians to assess and, if it is accepted, it will be added to the list of good articles. Similarly, anyone can propose that an article which no longer meets the good article criteria be delisted at good article review. If an article's nomination fails or if an article is delisted, an explanation and possible improvements should be provided on its talk page by the reviewer or delisting editor. |
Good article criteria[]For an article to be eligible to become a Good Article, it must...
Nominations[]To nominate or vote for a Good Article, please see the nominations page. Voting is restricted to registered users. |