LEGO Dimensions Wiki
71285 Fun Pack
Set Number 71285
Minifigs Marceline
Number of Pieces 60
Price (USD) $11.99
VIP Points Earned 11
Previous Set 71267 Level Pack
Next Set 71286 Fun Pack

71285 Fun Pack is an Adventure Time LEGO Dimensions Fun Pack set.

Despite officially being considered part of Wave 7.5, which released on February 10th, 2017, this Fun Pack released early to certain retailers alongside Wave 7 on November 18th, 2016, most notably Toys-R-Us in the United States and Canada, as well as Argos in the United Kingdom. Description[]

Keep the Adventure Time™ party rocking in the LEGO® DIMENSIONS™ multiverse with Marceline the Vampire Queen! Build and place the Marceline minifigure on the LEGO Toy Pad to send her into the game with her Sonar Smash and Bolt Deflector abilities, using the Marceline Axe Guitar. Activate her Telekinesis and Teleport skills to make your way through the Adventure Time Adventure World and Battle Arena. Build and use Marceline’s Lunatic Amp to make some noise, and rebuild it into the Shadow Scorpion and Heavy Metal Monster when you need even more power.




Adventure World[]

Battle Arena[]


  • A production error caused many sets to contain Marceline tags mistakenly identified as vehicle tags during early release.
  • The boxart has the Land Of Ooo on it.


ved LEGO Dimensions Sets
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71340 Polybag71342 Polybag